Gateway Labtop Question

river rat

I am working on a gateway 6525 GP
It has a bad dc power jack that will not charge the battery or allow the user to use the labtop.
I have pulled the motherboard.
It appears as though I can order just the jack (33 bucks)
However, when my Dell dc power jack failed, the tech replaced the whole mutta board (twice, this happened)
My question that I am throwing out there is, if I get the jack only will this be the fix, or does someone know from experience, that I will be replacing the whole board.


New Member
river rat said:
I am working on a gateway 6525 GP
It has a bad dc power jack that will not charge the battery or allow the user to use the labtop.
I have pulled the motherboard.
It appears as though I can order just the jack (33 bucks)
However, when my Dell dc power jack failed, the tech replaced the whole mutta board (twice, this happened)
My question that I am throwing out there is, if I get the jack only will this be the fix, or does someone know from experience, that I will be replacing the whole board.
You might have to replace the power supply...

river rat

AndyMarquisLIVE said:
You might have to replace the power supply...

By power supply do you mean the "brick" that you plug into the wall?
Cause that has been done. to no avail.
I think I am gonna start with the cheaper fix (kinda like with an automobile)
You know like, Harvick will be doing in the pits in Nevada:lol:
Anyhow, I thought 33 bucks was rather expensive for a little bitty jack but the mutta board is 300 so......
I just thought there might be a guru on here that could set me straight out the gate so I ain't wast'in time.

river rat

Dead Eye said:
Go to and find the jack you need ..(easier said than done).. Lots cheeper than 33$ and are you able to micro solder? Is there surface mount ..

Wow you aren't kiddin' they are cheaper but how will I ever narrow it down on that site?

I cannot micro solder.


New Member
river rat said:
By power supply do you mean the "brick" that you plug into the wall?
Cause that has been done. to no avail.
I think I am gonna start with the cheaper fix (kinda like with an automobile)
You know like, Harvick will be doing in the pits in Nevada:lol:
Anyhow, I thought 33 bucks was rather expensive for a little bitty jack but the mutta board is 300 so......
I just thought there might be a guru on here that could set me straight out the gate so I ain't wast'in time.
That would be 2007 DAYTONA 500 CHAMPION KEVIN HARVICK! :yahoo:

By the power supply, I mean the power supply in the laptop.

river rat

Dead Eye said:
Well if you get a good picture of the (33$) one or are able to figure out what ya need.. Mouser has it all but you need to know what ya need (part #'s) not model#s . Any chance you can see #'s on the broken connector?.How is it attached to mobo. Getting it is only half the battle install another.. Can you just bypass the connector? Solder wires directly to board . Be carefull if you overheat it will lift the trace and destroy the mobo.

Yeah, there are some numbers on the connector.
So, I need to get a lil solder gun?
Hey, if I have this thing pulled out, you think one of this computer places will solder it?
I guess I can make some phone calls on Monday and find out.
Thanks for the help.


a lot of "computer places" don't do board level work, just rip and replace ......

have you looked on ebay for a replacement ?


New Member
KARMA: Ricky Rudd rocks. Harvick sucks doo doo.

River rat??

When was the last time Ricky Rudd won a race? :whistle: :lmao:

Here's the answer: Infineon, 2002, when Jerry Nadeau blew an engine.
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New Member
AnonymousKarmaGiver said:
you have got to be THE dumbest person in the world!
Was I right about Ricky Rudd's last win being at the Infineon Raceway in 2002? :tap:

Oh that's right, that's irrelevant, because I was right and that doesn't fit your agenda. So, whoever you are you cowardly pile of whale ####, you are the dumbest person in the world.

river rat

AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Ricky Rudd rocks. Harvick sucks doo doo.
River rat??

When was the last time Ricky Rudd won a race? :whistle: :lmao:

Here's the answer: Infineon, 2002, when Jerry Nadeau blew an engine.

What's going on Andy? Are you getting karma bombed for being a Harvick fan?
Well, tain't me. But I will reply to your Rudd victory question.
He has been out for 2 seasons, so let's hope he is back with some fire under his azz in the RYR car. I was a Dale Jarrett fan and his azz went to drivin' foreign.
I am a long time RYR fan and Rudd is driving my car so there you have it.

river rat

Dead Eye said:
I doubt it. Most computer shops are replace it types. Soldering today’s micro sized stuff takes special equipment and skill not to mention rock steady hands and excellent eye sight. A good bench tech.
Let’s backtrack a bit. Is the connector loose n wiggly? Could just need a resolder or as somebody else said the power supply could be bad. Not the cube you plug in wall but on the board itself. A computer uses more than one voltage to run.
Personally I would hook up test leads to board at connection point of the power connector to test it out first. Or just find a CHARGED battery you can borrow to check the internal supply.
I’m a cheep azz`with old computers because they often are not worth fixing.If all it costs is time go for it. I have a friend who is EXCELLENT on the solder station. PM if you need him.

Okay, I'm trying to absorb all the good chit you guys are telling me.
I have ruled out the external charger. and when I pulled out the Mutta board it had slight charring around that lil' dc jack. The charring is on the soldered points on the flipside. It doesn't wiggle. Even though, it appears as it got hot enough that it should be loose.
There is no real rush to fix it, I was really just tinker'in with something that has been layin' round collecting dust for a year.
I still haven't order the jack yet and was gonna cruise radio shack and see if they had some neat junk to consider trying.
The labby is a gateway 6525 and the jack has a 2.5mm pin in the center of the hole.
I just might consider you advice on getting your comrade to do this.


New Member
river rat said:
What's going on Andy? Are you getting karma bombed for being a Harvick fan?
Well, tain't me. But I will reply to your Rudd victory question.
He has been out for 2 seasons, so let's hope he is back with some fire under his azz in the RYR car. I was a Dale Jarrett fan and his azz went to drivin' foreign.
I am a long time RYR fan and Rudd is driving my car so there you have it.
:faint: :shocking: :jet: :yikes:
HEY LOOK Y'ALL! It's Jimmy Spencer!!!!

Hey Jimmy, what's it like working with Kenny Wallace on SPEED?


New Member
Oh, and Ricky Rudd has been out for only one season.

And it's not "Harvick," it's 2007 Daytona 500 champion Kevin Harvick to you.

By the way, Ricky Rudd has as many Daytona 500 victories as I do!

river rat

Okay, I got the new power jack and replaced it and put the computer all back together.
Partly a success, the jack is fixed and the laptop is charged fully.
However, the monitor screen is black!:confused:

Any ideas? I am ALMOST certain I plugged everything back in.


river rat said:
Okay, I got the new power jack and replaced it and put the computer all back together.
Partly a success, the jack is fixed and the laptop is charged fully.
However, the monitor screen is black!:confused:

Any ideas? I am ALMOST certain I plugged everything back in.

have you tried cycling through the screen setting s via the keyboard ?

usually the function key and one key marked with a little screen pic ?

it will manually set, LCD, LCD and External Monitor and the External Monitor -

however you most likely missed the power connector for the LCD panel or video connector - and will have to dissemble to check
