Gay Football Player Kicked off team for kissing


Lawful neutral
College Football Player Kicked Off Team After He Outs Himself During a Game | Slog

"We were getting destroyed," says Kuntz, "the game was a total blowout. And I guess I got bored and so I kissed my boyfriend and some of my teammates saw us.”

After the game—just before a 15-hour bus ride back to North Dakota—NDSCS’s head football coach, Chuck Parsons, pulled Kuntz off the bus and confronted him. Kuntz denied kissing the man with him in the press box and he denied being gay. Kuntz was on Twitter for most of the bus ride back to Wapheton. He sent some tweets that alarmed his roommate—Kuntz hinted at being suicidal—and the police were called. After the police determined that he was not a suicide risk, Kuntz sent his coach a text message saying that he was gay and that he had kissed the man who was with him in the press box. Kuntz also apologized to his coach for lying.

The next morning Kuntz’s coach called him for a meeting.

“He said he didn’t care what people did in their personal lives,” recalls Kuntz, “but it was a big mistake to do that on a football trip. I said, yeah, I made a big mistake and I apologized again for lying. Then he handed me a letter and said he was kicking me off the team because what I did was 'detrimental' to the team and I was a 'distraction.'”


New Member
so was he booted off of the team for being gay or for lying?...because IMO, no football coach is gonna put up with ANY lying Kuntz on his team!!



Power with Control
Wanna be treated just like anyone else? No problem, done. Dont lie to the coach, and dont kiss someone in the middle of the game.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
That 18 year old kid is one dedicated homosexual to plant a big wet one on his 65 year old lover like that. I bet he just can't wait for the first cold snap so he and lover grandpa can just snuggle down together.

Perhaps Captain Ned will intervene for them.