What a bunch of crap. I've personally known gay people almost my whole entire life.
Yeah SO WHAT, you are not the only person who has known gays all their lives
That does not make Gay Sex Normal or Natural ... Personally I don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom is their bedroom is their business
Drag shows, what goes on in public during pride events is disgusting perversion ....
Hollywierd has been pushing this crap for DECADES
1st normalizing premarital sex, hooking up, drug use, divorce ... it has all been a plot to normalize deviant behavior ....
Then Gay Marriage ... next comes Kiddie Diddlers, not teens but children ... Furries simulate Beastiality
Porn is so NORMALIZED ... girls are ENCOURAGED post on Instagram with less and less clothing finally to be bold and sell themselves on Only Fans - you are a boss babe control your destiny, sell yourself since so many girls are on OF, most barely make $ 150 bucks a month and girls are trying to out whore each other competing to see who may be run through by the most guys ... 1st 100, then 1000
The seeds to destroy America were laid decades ago by Communists ...
The Naked Communist pg 306 # 15 to pg 328 The End of the Chapter - Basically Chap 13 - 45 Communist Goals
It's fukig scary to see what is laid out, and looking back at the last 40 years