Gay Marriage Stalls in Calif., Mass.


Yo Gabba Gabba
I still don't understand how gay marriage is hurting you, personally...Don't really understand why you care.


Asperger's Poster Child

Senators ... discussed among themselves how gay marriage would lead to Virginia schoolchildren having to listen to gay teachers proselytizing on behalf of homosexuality.

Del. Robert Marshall (R-Prince William), the gay lobby's most vociferous opponent, called the Supreme Court ruling on sodomy an "apocalypse for society," while Del. Brad Marrs (R-Richmond) called homosexuality "a form of sexual misconduct that is a crime."

Shameful fearmongering on the part of elected officials.


New Member
It's not fearmongering, but I have no intentions of paying taxes that go towards my children or anyone elses being taught that HOMOSEXUALITY is right/ok. It's not. It's the truth and it's ashame that so very few of the peolpe on this site have the vision to see that this is what it will lead to. It's also disturbing to see so many conservatives who support it. That's my blurb...


jack of all trades
isn't god the only one who can judge? seems like religious fanatics are trying supplant god by judging others themselves.
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Asperger's Poster Child
Why should homosexuality be a crime, like the Virginia delegate said? That sounds scary to me. When Falwell tried to blame 9/11 on gays and others, I worried that America might become so fearful that anyone suspected of being gay would be harassed publicly while government looked the other way.


jack of all trades
i guess the next thing is being a muslim, hindu, etc. would be a crime -- there is only one god, right?


Originally posted by ceo_pte
It's not fearmongering, but I have no intentions of paying taxes that go towards my children or anyone elses being taught that HOMOSEXUALITY is right/ok. It's not. It's the truth and it's ashame that so very few of the peolpe on this site have the vision to see that this is what it will lead to. It's also disturbing to see so many conservatives who support it. That's my blurb...

I have no intention of my taxes going to Isreal either, but it happens anyways...but I can't do a damn thing about it.


Football addict
Originally posted by ceo_pte
It's not fearmongering, but I have no intentions of paying taxes that go towards my children or anyone elses being taught that HOMOSEXUALITY is right/ok. It's not. It's the truth and it's ashame that so very few of the peolpe on this site have the vision to see that this is what it will lead to. It's also disturbing to see so many conservatives who support it. That's my blurb...

Like a true ignorant American you are guilty of metaphysical imperialism.


Well-Known Member
Back fire...

I read recently about a Homo activist bemoaning the fact that all the attention paid to these illegal "marriages" is actually damaging their cause....More and more people are getting sick of the preening, prancing, flaunting and arrogance. The anti-gay movement is willing to speak out more in disgust.

What we need is to show photos/videos of their gay-pride parades which revel in public debauchery and then ask: Is this what you want in America? Would our founders have applauded these embarrassments? Are these people considered "normal?"
A resounding NO would follow and more voices would be added demanding a stop to this "progressive".."civil rights" movement.

IT IS NOT A CASE OF "Judge not lest ye be judged." Christ also said shake off the dust from your shoes where my word is rejected....These people have rejected our laws, rejected decency, and indulged in things they know is wrong...then defending it as "right."--have no company with them.

II Timothy 3:1-7


jack of all trades
Re: Back fire...

Originally posted by Hessian
I read recently about a Homo activist bemoaning the fact that all the attention paid to these illegal "marriages" is actually damaging their cause....More and more people are getting sick of the preening, prancing, flaunting and arrogance. The anti-gay movement is willing to speak out more in disgust.

What we need is to show photos/videos of their gay-pride parades which revel in public debauchery and then ask: Is this what you want in America? Would our founders have applauded these embarrassments? Are these people considered "normal?"
A resounding NO would follow and more voices would be added demanding a stop to this "progressive".."civil rights" movement.

IT IS NOT A CASE OF "Judge not lest ye be judged." Christ also said shake off the dust from your shoes where my word is rejected....These people have rejected our laws, rejected decency, and indulged in things they know is wrong...then defending it as "right."--have no company with them.

II Timothy 3:1-7

maybe, just maybe, they might be the extremists? i'm sure there are more people who are gay than we actually know of. ever think that guy or gal working next to you might be gay? i'm sure they dont look anything like these freaks you are refering to. as with all groups, there are the extremists who make make a particular group bad... and if we place these extreme behaviors on others within a group, we have stereotyping... and from stereotyping, we get the hate groups and small-mindedness.


New Member
Re: Re: Back fire...

Originally posted by SuperGrover
maybe, just maybe, they might be the extremists? i'm sure there are more people who are gay than we actually know of. ever think that guy or gal working next to you might be gay? i'm sure they dont look anything like these freaks you are refering to. as with all groups, there are the extremists who make make a particular group bad... and if we place these extreme behaviors on others within a group, we have stereotyping... and from stereotyping, we get the hate groups and small-mindedness.

No one is gay. They are just homo's & lesbians. Gay is a term our society has given to them, to accept them. I say they are homosexuals, b/c it's more fitting.


jack of all trades
Re: Re: Re: Back fire...

Originally posted by ceo_pte
No one is gay. They are just homo's & lesbians. Gay is a term our society has given to them, to accept them. I say they are homosexuals, b/c it's more fitting.

what, no response except for the word gay? i think i'm making my point :biggrin:


Well-Known Member

I can, none of my co-workers are homosexuals.
My contract is very clear that that lifestyle choice is not allowed.

And it will remain that way until the radical agenda of the homos seeps into our state house and starts forcing religious institutions to hire them. (give it 5-15 years). Then...I'll quit. (and they will win yet another part of this fallen, decaying realm.)
I'll tutor, write, be self employed... whatever and never ever have to accept them as "normal."


jack of all trades
Re: Thankfully..

Originally posted by Hessian
I can, none of my co-workers are homosexuals.
My contract is very clear that that lifestyle choice is not allowed.

And it will remain that way until the radical agenda of the homos seeps into our state house and starts forcing religious institutions to hire them. (give it 5-15 years). Then...I'll quit. (and they will win yet another part of this fallen, decaying realm.)
I'll tutor, write, be self employed... whatever and never ever have to accept them as "normal."

um, how about those priests molesting little boys (but, in this instance it's morally wrong and illegal)... i think the religious institutions have been infiltrated already!

so... maybe you might already have some co-wokers who are homosexuals and you don't even know it!


Well-Known Member

I am not in a Catholic school,..we have no priests...
and despite your optimism that I may be working side by side with a homo...sorry to disappoint you but no, there are no homos among our staff. And, our children are safe.

And the typical shifting of the argument over molestation by priests is as always: irrelevant.

The homo agenda is a matter of discussion, and it comes up in current events discussion and it can't hide behind the veil of "diversity" and "tolerance." it is shown as what it really is...and it can be labelled as WRONG as compared to the moral-free atmosphere of do-whatever-you want government schools.


Football addict
Re: Thankfully..

Originally posted by Hessian
I can, none of my co-workers are homosexuals.
My contract is very clear that that lifestyle choice is not allowed.

And it will remain that way until the radical agenda of the homos seeps into our state house and starts forcing religious institutions to hire them. (give it 5-15 years). Then...I'll quit. (and they will win yet another part of this fallen, decaying realm.)
I'll tutor, write, be self employed... whatever and never ever have to accept them as "normal."

If you dont like the direction this country is going into then maybe you should go to another:wink:


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Re: Thankfully..

Originally posted by BuddyLee
If you dont like the direction this country is going into then maybe you should go to another:wink:

After 9/11, when Falwell made his hateful comments, I was concerned that America would get so paranoid and fearful that someone like Falwell would take over and open death camps for anyone suspected of being gay.


Well-Known Member
Buddylee...the choices are very limited. Conservative leaning states will be bullied to accept what other states have allowed.
ie"How dare you not recognize our "marriages.?" Other countries? No, all are in decline, some faster than others. I won't follow the pattern of the reclusive monks of the medieval ages...retreating to monasteries.

There were a few brave souls among the remnant of Christians in Germany who stood up against Nazism. They continued to shelter the persecuted, define truth, and refuse to deny the authenticity of scripture...and they paid dearly for that stance.

Tonio...that fear you has always puzzled me. I'm sure you are not alone, perhaps thousands were swept with that gnawing fear that someone would install a religious based, moral government...oh the horror.
But seriously, why would that even be a possibility? we are too far gone to accept that return of a church-state government. On top of that: have they (Falwell etc) ever set out a dangerous plot to seize power and force people to pay tithes? or lengthen the hems of dresses? ban R rated movies? Banish all nonfundamentals? Do see how this phobia is VERY unfounded? only the folk over at DU would ruminate over this dreaded is quite unrealistic.--just a fantasy "1984" scenario to chill the spines of our resident lefties.

(I will admit it is kind of fun to watch people quiver with fear over what Revelations does predict will happen..."every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD."...) but they simply discount it as a fantasy book & go on living any way they want...tick tock tick tock.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Hessian
Tonio...that fear you has always puzzled me. I'm sure you are not alone, perhaps thousands were swept with that gnawing fear that someone would install a religious based, moral government...oh the horror.
But seriously, why would that even be a possibility? we are too far gone to accept that return of a church-state government. On top of that: have they (Falwell etc) ever set out a dangerous plot to seize power and force people to pay tithes? or lengthen the hems of dresses? ban R rated movies? Banish all nonfundamentals? Do see how this phobia is VERY unfounded? only the folk over at DU would ruminate over this dreaded is quite unrealistic.--just a fantasy "1984" scenario to chill the spines of our resident lefties.

Keep in mind that during another fearful period in our history, right after Pearl Harbor, fearful Californians demanded that the government put second- and third-generation Japanese-Americans in internment camps. There was zero proof that these people would become a fifth column on American soil. If there was, you would think that German-Americans would be just as liable for interment.

My point is, people are capable of anything in times of great panic, and might be willing to sacrifice religious liberty in the name of security.