Gee...what a shock.


Well-Known Member
New findings in Botox studies....

Oops. In a reversal of the usual sequence in science, researchers have discovered, after millions of people have received the drug, something fundamental about how Botox can act. Contrary to what turned up in preclinical testing, botulinum toxin can travel along neurons from the injection site into the brain, at least in lab animals.


C'mon ladies...we're injecting a neurotoxin into our faces to get rid of a few wrinkles? Is it worth the risks?

Sweet 16

Good Lord! WTF are people thinking? Botulism is a deadly poison that you get by eating an old tainted can of soup and it can be fatal, yet people willingly inject it into their faces without a second thought?! What part of DEADLY POISON don't they get?'s your sign! :dork:


b*tch rocket
There goes my plan to market cholera as a weight loss plan. :ohwell:

I'd go with Tapeworms. Very few known side effects. :yay: :jet:

:offtopic: Sort of, but did you know that they were experimenting with strains of salmonella to protect against radiation poisoning? :nerd:


New Member
I'd go with Tapeworms. Very few known side effects. :yay: :jet:

:offtopic: Sort of, but did you know that they were experimenting with strains of salmonella to protect against radiation poisoning? :nerd:

Is that when you lick a chicken and put your head in the microwave?