Geek test 2010


Power with Control
Eh, a 55, not bad for someone who can build a homePC, and set up a home network, but really has no I skills beyond that.


Having Fun!
I don't know what is more sad, the fact that I actually sat down and took this thing or the fact that my results are as follows:

You got 8 of 20 correct.
Your score: 40%


<!--paging_filter-->Cheerleader: Short skirt, pom-poms, and a Windows phone.


Guess I'm not as much of a geek as I thought! :roflmao:


New Member
Geek hatchling: You're starting to grok the meaning of it all, but you still have a social life.

75%. Eh.


I have to question the accuracy....

Given that question # 3 did not offer the correct answer...

Question was how much ram 32 bit server 2008 supports...

It gave all 3 possible answers in TB and not GB... the correct answer is 4GB, which is true for all current 32 bit windows OS's. There are ways around this, but out of the box, it's 4GB.

Does that make me a more of a geek than my score belies? :confused:

Edit: ohhhh trick question! It was about R2! Nevermind! :roflmao:
Last edited:


Given that question # 3 did not offer the correct answer...

Question was how much ram 32 bit server 2008 supports...

Actually there is NO 32 Bit Version or Win 2008 R2 Server .... only 64 bit now


I'll wait while you go check it out ........

I got it wrong as well ... and for reference the x64 version supports 2 TB

I also got the Event Horizon question wrong as well (another "Gotcha" question) I thought for sure they would have been talking about blackho's


should have listened to my gut ... my 1st instinct was to click 2 movies, but I Figured that was the sucker play ....

I also guess it was Bush that said the Internet was the best way to get on the "NET" .... even though I guesses Dole was probably too old to really understand the Technology, and would have made a comment like that

like some many "Older" customers I have dealt with "I want to get THE Internet" on my Computer" ... or there is something "Wrong" with my Hard Drive and / or TV - aka the Monitor ......



New Member
Actually there is NO 32 Bit Version or Win 2008 R2 Server .... only 64 bit now


I'll wait while you go check it out ........

I got it wrong as well ... and for reference the x64 version supports 2 TB

I also got the Event Horizon question wrong as well (another "Gotcha" question) I thought for sure they would have been talking about blackho's


should have listened to my gut ... my 1st instinct was to click 2 movies, but I Figured that was the sucker play ....

I also guess it was Bush that said the Internet was the best way to get on the "NET" .... even though I guesses Dole was probably too old to really understand the Technology, and would have made a comment like that

like some many "Older" customers I have dealt with "I want to get THE Internet" on my Computer" ... or there is something "Wrong" with my Hard Drive and / or TV - aka the Monitor ......


I edited before you posted. :neener: :lmao:

I went back and looked at the results and saw R2, and it clicked. I played with Aurora for a while so I should have caught that... :doh:

Yeah I got the R2 one, the AD&D one :)lmao:), the Bush one, FDDI, and Aero wrong. :lmao:


Yeah I got the R2 one, the AD&D one :)lmao:), the Bush one, FDDI, and Aero wrong. :lmao:


yeah that was the last one I missed, I had no Idea AERO stood for something ...

what :faint: you don't know your D&D Alignments
16/20. And I blew the one on 10-base-T, I knew that one, hit the wrong button. And I don't know Linux/Unix to save my life.