Gender: words mean something


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sex is biology and science
Gender is a social construct of expected appearance and behaviors

Men dressing as women is transgender but doesn't make them female, which is a sex. Trans "women" are not women, no matter what that nitwit AOC says. They can identify however they please, and they will still not be women. Feel free to wear a skirt and lipstick, but nope to using women's designated facilities or competing in their designated sports. Males are not females.

I don't know how this disconnect got so far or why it's become unquestionably acceptable in Democrat circles. I mean, I don't expect Democrats to have a basic education because they prove over and over that they were out in the parking lot smoking dope when they were supposed to be learning this stuff in school, but I do expect sane people to not go along with it.

When you castrate a young boy and feed him hormones, you are not changing his gender, you are attempting to change his sex, which is biologically impossible.

Even the so-called conservative media and mouthpieces aren't making this important point. They are still calling men in dresses "women", and that's incorrect. He's still a man, similar to when I put bunny ears on Gretel she is not a bunny, she's a dog wearing bunny ears.

If a guy wants to be called ma'am it doesn't hurt us to do that. What does hurt us is to go along with his delusion that he's a female just because he wants to be referred to as she/her so he can lurk in women's restrooms and showers. And since in our culture women are referred to as ma'am and she/her, it's incorrect to refer to a man by those pronouns and address them as women, but if they're going to make a big deal over it who cares, as long as they understand they are not women.

Honestly, if you personally go around correcting this you'll soon be exhausted because it's so prevalent in our pop culture, but I do expect the Republicans and conservative media to do their part and not go along with this charade. It should have been met with ridicule in the first place.

And don't get me started on drag queens. Those are not "trans" anything - they are performance artists and adult entertainment. Some of them aren't even gay, they're performers wearing a costume. Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis in "Some Like It Hot" - not women, not trans, not gay, simply performing in a costume. The actors in "To Wong Foo" - performers in a costume.

Gay/lesbian/homosexual refers to your sexual preference and has nothing to do with trans or drag. So this alphabet thing that keeps getting longer every day - LGBTQXYRFMSL blah blah blah - is absurd.

I feel like this shouldn't have to be explained, and yet here we are.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Sex is biology and science
Gender is a social construct of expected appearance and behaviors

Men dressing as women is transgender but doesn't make them female, which is a sex. Trans "women" are not women, no matter what that nitwit AOC says. They can identify however they please, and they will still not be women. Feel free to wear a skirt and lipstick, but nope to using women's designated facilities or competing in their designated sports. Males are not females.

I don't know how this disconnect got so far or why it's become unquestionably acceptable in Democrat circles. I mean, I don't expect Democrats to have a basic education because they prove over and over that they were out in the parking lot smoking dope when they were supposed to be learning this stuff in school, but I do expect sane people to not go along with it.

When you castrate a young boy and feed him hormones, you are not changing his gender, you are attempting to change his sex, which is biologically impossible.

Even the so-called conservative media and mouthpieces aren't making this important point. They are still calling men in dresses "women", and that's incorrect. He's still a man, similar to when I put bunny ears on Gretel she is not a bunny, she's a dog wearing bunny ears.

If a guy wants to be called ma'am it doesn't hurt us to do that. What does hurt us is to go along with his delusion that he's a female just because he wants to be referred to as she/her so he can lurk in women's restrooms and showers. And since in our culture women are referred to as ma'am and she/her, it's incorrect to refer to a man by those pronouns and address them as women, but if they're going to make a big deal over it who cares, as long as they understand they are not women.

Honestly, if you personally go around correcting this you'll soon be exhausted because it's so prevalent in our pop culture, but I do expect the Republicans and conservative media to do their part and not go along with this charade. It should have been met with ridicule in the first place.

And don't get me started on drag queens. Those are not "trans" anything - they are performance artists and adult entertainment. Some of them aren't even gay, they're performers wearing a costume. Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis in "Some Like It Hot" - not women, not trans, not gay, simply performing in a costume. The actors in "To Wong Foo" - performers in a costume.

Gay/lesbian/homosexual refers to your sexual preference and has nothing to do with trans or drag. So this alphabet thing that keeps getting longer every day - LGBTQXYRFMSL blah blah blah - is absurd.

I feel like this shouldn't have to be explained, and yet here we are.

Agree with all of this.

I know way too many gay men who refer to their partner or gay friends as she or a queen or a wife - or any of a ton of female descriptions -

BUT THEY'RE NOT GOING TO GO BALLISTIC if you call them a man. I mean, damn, the very fact that those people are male is part of their attraction - they may call their partner "girl" but they wouldn't date an ACTUAL girl. And they know that.

If I should run across someone who is clearly male or female - and they insist on being addressed a certain way, I might tell them to eff off and I just call them something even MORE objectionable and insulting. I am not under any obligation to walk on eggshells and address people the way they want - there's just too many damned people to remember everything.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If I should run across someone who is clearly male or female - and they insist on being addressed a certain way, I might tell them to eff off and I just call them something even MORE objectionable and insulting. I am not under any obligation to walk on eggshells and address people the way they want - there's just too many damned people to remember everything.

If Buford Testosterone wants me to call him Susie and refer to him as "she" I would because I couldn't care less about that. If, however, he tries to follow me into the ladies room we're going to have trouble.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
If Buford Testosterone wants me to call him Susie and refer to him as "she" I would because I couldn't care less about that. If, however, he tries to follow me into the ladies room we're going to have trouble.
My thought is - I run into dozens maybe hundreds of people each day - and if every one of them expects me to remember their pronouns, they're delusional.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Many pop off if you misgender them, even if you've never ever seen them before. Like you're supposed to be a mind reader.


Well-Known Member
If Buford Testosterone wants me to call him Susie and refer to him as "she" I would because I couldn't care less about that. If, however, he tries to follow me into the ladies room we're going to have trouble.
But he will physically remind you of your affirmation that he is a she...and bully you into not caring less about which bathroom he uses...