Genesis 1 Let there be Light


Well-Known Member
Genesis 1:3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.​

The easy English commentary says "we don't know how long the first day was". The Jews’ day started at sunset. And the first day consisted of evening and morning. So probably it was like our day. But in the Bible, the word ‘day’ can also mean something special that happens. It means that in the phrase: ‘the day of the Lord’.​

2 Peter 3:8​
But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.​

I occurs to me that getting the earth just the right distance from the sun, setting the tilt of the axis to the perfect degree and getting the earth to spin on that axis at just the right speed must have been quite a project. If it were too slow, the crops wouldn't grow the same. Spinning too fast would have the same affect. Can you imagine what would happen if the spinning was extremely fast? The sun would appear to strobe. One other thing, God tilted the earth so we would have different angles of sun. That gives us different temperatures. So the first event, was light.... setting the earth just the right distance from the sun, getting the angle of the axis just so, and setting the spin at just the right speed.

It seems that the first event was a lot more complicated then flipping a switch.

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Even though our government says that we have Freedom of Religion, society is moving more and more away from religion. It is nice to see that some folks still have it. I fear that the current problem in public schools and across our campuses has its roots in no morals and no values. Without religion, there isn't morals and there certainly are not values. I sit on a Safety and Security Committee for the Board of Education. I have no doubt with religion, the problems in our schools would be far less. Ask yourself what percentage of school children K-12 practice some type of religion. 50%?, 40? 30? 20? 10? I bet it is less than 5%!

Yes, there are "interpretations" of some religions that practice hate such as ISIL. But, there are far more that embrace love and peace. Then you have those that don't have a religion. Thus do some folks with religion, look at them as empty and shallow just because they claim not to have a religion? Do we treat them any differently? The answer is no, you don't. That is not the teaching of "most" religions except for those that are fanatical or dangerous to society itself. We must love one another as Jesus died on the cross for his love for us. With the beginning of a New Year, we have a renewed change to come together as one under god. While society embrace this chance or will society move more toward division? Our Constitution begins as "We The People". Starts out this way. It is capitalized. It must have been pretty important to bring attention to it like that. But, yet don't we see our politicians, no whether it the Democrats or the Republicans trying to divide us as Americans? Ask yourself, why do we have to see a "D" or a "R" behind a candidate's name? Why can't we simply vote on the issues without knowing what party a candidate is from? Isn't that how we decide a "true" leader? Shouldn't it be based on what he or she stands for rather than their party affiliation? Remember, together as one we are strong. Divided we are conquered. So, shouldn't we ask why politicians are trying to divide the people? Shouldn't we ask why foreign nationals are brought in by the "millions", converted to U.S. citizens and then allowed to vote? Doesn't this change who we are? Are we moving away from the United States of America toward a more United Nations of America? And if we are, would political correctness, the great divider change our way of living such as the what we teach children and even basic things such as the core of what our flag looks like and represents? None of these changes are tomorrow. They frequently go without notice. Just like a weed begins as a seed, but then it grows to a giant weed that kills the tree. Aren't we the tree that is on the verge of suffocation? Or, do we invite the millions of people that come in to our Country illegally? With good faith, do we open our arms? And if we do, do we hold our arms open, or if we find ourselves becoming overwhelmed do you find it necessary to close your arms and say enough? For example, a family member that knows you are nice and decides to take advantage of you and everything you have or stand for. Another example is the Catholic Church that has Project Warm. It opens up its schools and other locations to let the homeless in to get warmth and food. But, just after they get comfortable, doesn't the church throw the very people they invited in back out in the cold? Do you ask yourself would have they been better in the cold where they were used to it, or even a little taste of warmth and food is better than none? Then ask yourself doesn't charity begin at home? So, if it does, that why does our churches concentrate more on those that are in other Countries when we have hundreds if not thousands that are cold and hungry right under our noses? Ask yourself, what kind of people are we? Then ask yourself, what kind of person are you? How would you say society judges's you as a person? Then ask yourself, would it be any different if you are judged by God? Again, Happy New Year!