Genesis 27 Dysfunctional continues


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Genesis 27:5 Now Rebekah was listening as Isaac spoke to his son Esau. When Esau left for the open country to hunt game and bring it back, 6 Rebekah said to her son Jacob, “Look, I overheard your father say to your brother Esau, 7 ‘Bring me some game and prepare me some tasty food to eat, so that I may give you my blessing in the presence of the Lord before I die.’ 8 Now, my son, listen carefully and do what I tell you: 9 Go out to the flock and bring me two choice young goats, so I can prepare some tasty food for your father, just the way he likes it. 10 Then take it to your father to eat, so that he may give you his blessing before he dies.”​

Now... Isaac thinks he's dying.... Esau has sold his birthright to his brother Jacob.... Jacob [as we have known since birth]is a real heel.... and Rebekah is siding with Jacob to steal Esau's birthright.... God told Rebekah that Esau would end up obeying Jacob....What a family!:gossip:

So this is what says.

Instead of trusting God to fulfill what He had promised in Genesis 25:23, Rebekah went about to do what she thought was right in man-centered wisdom and strength. Her good intentions did not justify this self-centered approach.

Isaac was no less scheming than Rebekah. In the willfulness of his old age, he was determined to pass on the blessing to Esau, despite what the Lord had said and what the boys had shown in their lives.

The fact Isaac tried to dispense the blessing secretly showed he knew what he wanted to do was wrong. Sadly, in this house, no one trusted anyone else.

Jesus came from this line of messed up people!
