Genesis 37 Reuben freaked out


Well-Known Member
Genesis 37:29 When Reuben returned to the cistern and saw that Joseph was not there, he tore his clothes. 30 He went back to his brothers and said, “The boy isn’t there! Where can I turn now?”​

Reuben never wanted to be part of the murder of Joseph. Apparently he wasn't there when they sold him to the merchants. I guess he was out with the flock. After all, the brothers were supposed to be watching the flock [or herd, maybe]. Anyway, when he got back, he freaked out! He was part of a murder plot and that murder was something he had planned to avert. He thought he had been so clever. says the same thing.

Reuben was not present when the deal was made. When he returns he becomes desperate because Joseph has disappeared. His first impression is probably that the brothers have killed him. His despair credits him, but he does not have enough moral courage to stand up to his brothers. He becomes part of the plot, because of his silence, when they dip Joseph's robe in goat blood to deceive Jacob into thinking that a wild animal had killed Joseph.

The commentary explains why Reuben might have made the decision to go along with the cover-up.

Reuben thought himself undone, because the child was sold: I, whither shall I go? He being the eldest, his father would expect from him an accounts of Joseph; but, as it proved, they would all have been undone if he had not been sold.​

As the oldest of five children, left to babysit a multitude of times, I can attest that it's not easy on a body when the younger ones misbehave. This is, however, a whole lot worse than anything I cleaned up over the years.

I can see why Reuben freaked out. I can also understand why he didn't run after the merchants to get Joseph back. If he had, he would have been in the cistern right beside Joseph, or sold into slavery as well. No good was going to come out of this by fighting his brothers.
