Genius kid buys Valentine's Day flowers for 834 girls at his School


Lawful neutral

A high school senior with a heart of gold made Valentine's season a little sweeter for more than 800 girls in his Utah school by giving every single one of them a flower for the holiday.

Smithfield resident Hayden Godfrey, 17, saved for a year and a half to afford the $450 it cost to purchase 900 carnations from an online wholesaler, he told ABC News today. He began earning the money by working as a cook at a nearby McDonald's and a dishwasher at a Mexican restaurant, and for the last 10 months, he's been bagging groceries at a local store.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
People will remember his kind gesture for decades. He will always be the flower guy.


But wait, there's more...
Very sweet, indeed! Boy is good and his parents should be proud! :clap:

:bubble: But how long until the parent of one of his male classmates with gender-identity issues complains their 'daughter' was discriminated against and didn't get a flower?