George and Kellyanne vs. James and Mary


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Carville and Matalin were able to keep their differences peaceful...

Right, because Mary did what James said. He told her bitch ass to jump and she got to steppin', to the point of dumping her political party in favor of his. Plus she was part of the Bush Dynasty, so not remarkably different than the James gang.

Of course I still question KA's judgement because her trollish husband was no catch even before he started going mental and attacking her on Twitter. I have to wonder why she hasn't kicked his ass out yet.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Also, what does it feel like to be impregnated by a man who considers your unborn child a worthless mass of cells that should be destroyed without consideration? I wonder if these women who take up with Democrat men are even aware enough to think about that?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Also, what does it feel like to be impregnated by a man who considers your unborn child a worthless mass of cells that should be destroyed without consideration? I wonder if these women who take up with Democrat men are even aware enough to think about that?
Example of Mutually Exclusive: thinking and being democrat.