George Lopez in DC last night.


New Member
I laughed at alot of the show, but...then he tells the audience to vote for Obama, makes fun of Mcains inability to move his arms (a result of the torture in Vietnam prison), and in the same breath tells us what heros the guys and gals in the desert are. He got booed and sort of went on to another subject, then it was back to vote for Obama he is brown like us....and how maybe someday we can have a hispanic pres, I am thinking yeah, and his last name will be Bush, as in George Bushes nephew, and alot of hispanic people voted for president Bush. He also assumed that everyone who booed was white. I am still voting for Mcain. I wish they would just entertain us and keep their politics to themselves. If I had known it was an Obama rally I don't think I would have gone.


That's a shame. I hate that when they do that. I used to like him; he was a riot.