George W Bush - buffoon or great leader?


No Use for Donk Twits
Sameh El-Shahat argues that George W Bush has been the most under-rated president... ever.

From an Arab in England. The comments were heated!

Whatever happened to leadership and honesty as presidential traits? I happen to believe that the only leader in the West to have these two admirable qualities in droves is the leader of the free world: George W Bush.

Yes, we’ve all heard the Bushisms and laughed at them but do you really think somebody supposedly that thick can make it to the top of the most sophisticated political system the world has ever seen?

No, and that is because Mr Bush is far cleverer than most of his predecessors. He may not have been a Rhodes Scholar, but he has the ability to reach out to his people and read them.

Take the Iraq war for example. OK, so he got us into Iraq in the first place. But for Pete’s sake, he’s the leader of the world’s only superpower. He needs to take decisions, even if sometimes they have nasty consequences - which is far better than we do in Europe, where we enjoy dithering not as a means to an end, but as an end in itself.

Let’s not forget how Europe does wars.

Usually we wait and wait until the enemy starts attacking, then we let them win a bit, then we fight until we are tired, then we just call the US to come over to clean our mess.

That is what happened in WWI, WWII, and the Balkans.

Bush is just showing us what a bunch of dangerous ditherers we are and we hate him for it. Naturally.

Holy Cows: George W Bush - buffoon or great leader?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

but do you really think somebody supposedly that thick can make it to the top of the most sophisticated political system the world has ever seen

HA! Sure.

We had Clinton. Twice. Very intelligent, very stupid person. We nearly had Kerry, one of the more narcissistic and empty headed applicants in some time. We nearly had Gore, essentially a cult leader. What is laughable is to suggest that our beauty pageant/popularity contest style of electing leaders is going to remotely reveal our best and brightest.

What we produce are people with personality disorders. Sometimes they are wise, some times not so much. Would anyone hear actually want Obama or McCain to run a household or a corporation let alone a nation? Obama's primary appeal is he says 'change' and 'hope' very well. McCain's is that he was a POW.

We're not looking at people who ever built a business, made a payroll, lead men in battle, treated a patient, or fixed pot holes.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

OK, so he got us into Iraq in the first place.

...well, there is that. :lmao:

It's not that we're in Iraq; it's how it's been done; poorly. W did a great deal of dithering once the decision was made and it prolonged the violence and it cost Iraq a great deal in terms of true patriots killed or left the country and it has cost us a great deal. What kind of an Iraq will there be when it's leaders never leave the immediate protection of the occupiers who support them?

Will this turn out well over the next generation? I hope so.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I was thinking...

Larry for President!

Slogan: He's not as dumb as those other guys!


"Larry for President for REAL change; I'm dumber and far less accomplished than all those guys! THAT'S change, real change we can ALL lose sleep over! I hope."




Let’s not forget how Europe does wars.

Usually we wait and wait until the enemy starts attacking, then we let them win a bit, then we fight until we are tired, then we just call the US to come over to clean our mess.

That is what happened in WWI, WWII, and the Balkans.



New Member
"we just call the US to come over to clean our mess"

is actually a little misleading. They can start something, but with a Nanny State taking all the dollars, they soon run out of cash for any war's. So they then call in the evil USA to clean things up.

What I really love was when Kofi (UN boss), laid into Bush on the Iraq war. Then 2 week's later Kofi sends a letter to Bush asking him to use the USA Military to stop the 1 Million being killed in Darfur. Bush's answer was heck no (asshat).

So now we are at 1 million dead in Darfur and climbing. Now thats the new state of the world.


New Member
Sameh El-Shahat argues that George W Bush has been the most under-rated president... ever.

Yes, we’ve all heard the Bushisms and laughed at them but do you really think somebody supposedly that thick can make it to the top of the most sophisticated political system the world has ever seen?

No, and that is because Mr Bush is far cleverer than most of his predecessors. He may not have been a Rhodes Scholar, but he has the ability to reach out to his people and read them.

Take the Iraq war for example. OK, so he got us into Iraq in the first place. But for Pete’s sake, he’s the leader of the world’s only superpower. He needs to take decisions, even if sometimes they have nasty consequences - which is far better than we do in Europe, where we enjoy dithering not as a means to an end, but as an end in itself.


Now that article is some funny shiat. :killingme:killingme:killingme


Well-Known Member
So now we are at 1 million dead in Darfur and climbing. Now thats the new state of the world.

Darfur is a tragedy not because the world's policeman refuses to intervene.

It's exactly the kind of catastrophe tailor made for what the UN is intended and boasts about doing - except they won't do it.

There are billions of people represented by the UN. It's appalling that without US intervention, not a single one can be counted on to lift a finger.


New Member
"we just call the US to come over to clean our mess"

is actually a little misleading. They can start something, but with a Nanny State taking all the dollars, they soon run out of cash for any war's. So they then call in the evil USA to clean things up.

What I really love was when Kofi (UN boss), laid into Bush on the Iraq war. Then 2 week's later Kofi sends a letter to Bush asking him to use the USA Military to stop the 1 Million being killed in Darfur. Bush's answer was heck no (asshat).

So now we are at 1 million dead in Darfur and climbing. Now thats the new state of the world.

1 million dead?

Can you pass the bong to me, I want to see 1 million out of 400,000 as well. :cool:


New Member
Darfur is a tragedy not because the world's policeman refuses to intervene.

It's exactly the kind of catastrophe tailor made for what the UN is intended and boasts about doing - except they won't do it.

There are billions of people represented by the UN. It's appalling that without US intervention, not a single one can be counted on to lift a finger.

Wintersprings doesn't read or think.

The UN is in Darfur, "peacekeeping." They're just not doing a good job.

And Bush is the one who rammed getting something done in Darfur through the UN in the first place.


No Use for Donk Twits
I think history will be far kinder to Bush than say the last two Democratic Presidents. I haven't agreed with Bush on many things but he's made some difficult decisions that he thought were correct. Then he had the fortitude to stick with it and sometimes change. He didn't change because the polls said his positions were unpopular. I won't live long enough for the historians to weigh in on his Presidency. JMHO


Darfur is a tragedy not because the world's policeman refuses to intervene.

It's exactly the kind of catastrophe tailor made for what the UN is intended and boasts about doing - except they won't do it.

There are billions of people represented by the UN. It's appalling that without US intervention, not a single one can be counted on to lift a finger.

Darfur is a tradgedy because the Chinese have invested billions in the country and it is determined to look out for its interests. Every action that the UN tries to make on behalf of Darfur is vetoed by the Chinese. The Chinese government has bought about 40% of Sudan's oil industry and own large sections of other economic interests as well, and all of these business arrangements are made through the Sudanese government. The Chinese are defending their economic interests in Sudan the same way the Germans, French, and Russians defended Hussein in Iraq. If the government falls, so do the contracts. As long as China is on the UN Security Council, no action will be taken against the Sudanese.

Compounding this problem is that so much of our foreign debt is held by the Chinese, which prevents the US from taking any action that could jeopardize US/China relations.


New Member
I think history will be far kinder to Bush than say the last two Democratic Presidents. I haven't agreed with Bush on many things but he's made some difficult decisions that he thought were correct. Then he had the fortitude to stick with it and sometimes change. He didn't change because the polls said his positions were unpopular. I won't live long enough for the historians to weigh in on his Presidency. JMHO

I think history will be kinder on Bush than the media has been, but I don't think history's going to judge him as a better President than Bush 41 or Clinton. Bush's legacy has been reduced to a gopher's turd.


NOT Politically Correct!!
I think history will be kinder on Bush than the media has been, but I don't think history's going to judge him as a better President than Bush 41 or Clinton. Bush's legacy has been reduced to a gopher's turd.

And I'm sure the gopher turd will be on display when they build his Presidential Library, I also heard 2/3rds of the library will be strictly coloring...:whistle:


Lem Putt
I think history will be kinder on Bush than the media has been, but I don't think history's going to judge him as a better President than Bush 41 or Clinton. Bush's legacy has been reduced to a gopher's turd.

Are you a braindead 20 YO know it all who lives in Mommy's basement? Because you sure sound like another idiot on here like that.


No Use for Donk Twits
I think history will be kinder on Bush than the media has been, but I don't think history's going to judge him as a better President than Bush 41 or Clinton. Bush's legacy has been reduced to a gopher's turd.

Clinton's legacy will be simple, impeached and disbarred for lying under oath. :lmao:

All the rest will be correctly attributed to the Republican Congress and Contract with America.


New Member
Wintersprings doesn't read or think.

The UN is in Darfur, "peacekeeping." They're just not doing a good job.

And Bush is the one who rammed getting something done in Darfur through the UN in the first place.

so folks we have a new DEFINITION from the left

When a Million folks die, its just "not doing a good job"

sure beats, def of "it".......


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Sameh El-Shahat argues that George W Bush has been the most under-rated president... ever.
Whatever happened to leadership and honesty as presidential traits? I happen to believe that the only leader in the West to have these two admirable qualities in droves is the leader of the free world: George W Bush.

Let’s not forget how Europe does wars.

Usually we wait and wait until the enemy starts attacking, then we let them win a bit, then we fight until we are tired, then we just call the US to come over to clean our mess.

That is what happened in WWI, WWII, and the Balkans.

Bush is just showing us what a bunch of dangerous ditherers we are and we hate him for it. Naturally.

:lmao: Well, that was fun!