George W Bush: from drunk to world leader


Ubi bene ibi patria
"Oliver Stone's biopic of President George W Bush is to show him as a hot-headed, once hard-drinking man whose relationship with his father influences much of his life, including an obsession with Iraq.

According to an early screenplay obtained by ABC News, the film, entitled W, will chart the President's journey from troubled alcoholic to world leader."

George W Bush: from drunk to world leader - Telegraph


I bowl overhand
"Oliver Stone's biopic of President George W Bush is to show him as a hot-headed, once hard-drinking man whose relationship with his father influences much of his life, including an obsession with Iraq.

According to an early screenplay obtained by ABC News, the film, entitled W, will chart the President's journey from troubled alcoholic to world leader."

George W Bush: from drunk to world leader - Telegraph

Isn't it a great country where you can have a problem like alcoholism (suuposedly) ..get help, rehabilitate, and go on to be the President?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Isn't it a great country where you can have a problem like alcoholism (suuposedly) ..get help, rehabilitate, and go on to be the President?

...actually, it is. One of the charms of America; anyone can grow up to be President. That's one of the few things I liked about Clinton I.