George W. Bush: Man of the Year!


Dancing Up A Storm
:cheers: The Financial Times of England has declared George W. Bush as Man of the Year. The article is available on a website

I think that's really cool for the Brits to honor Pres Bush; wonder what Willie Jeff and Hillary, Tom Daschle, Teddy Kennedy and "Babs" think of this honor?



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PREMO Member
Originally posted by penncam
wonder what Willie Jeff and Hillary, Tom Daschle, Teddy Kennedy and "Babs" think of this honor?
Can you say "Green with envy" ? :lol:


endangered species
From the article:

"Osama bin Laden, leader of the al-Qaeda terrorist network, whom Mr Bush wanted to see captured "dead or alive" nearly 14 months ago, remains at large. The war on terror, as Mr Bush calls it, is not won; al-Qaeda-linked groups have struck in Bali and Mombasa. Pentagon officials fear another direct attack on US interests is only a matter of time.

Mr Bush and his administration have ably demonstrated that the first casualty of war is truth. On one occasion, the president addressed the American people on television and claimed that Iraq had unmanned aerial vehicles that could strike US interests. Officials later acknowledged it was misleading. Mr Rumsfeld has alleged a link between Iraq and al-Qaeda. Pentagon and CIA officials have since said there is no evidence of such a link.

Through a year of corporate scandals, Mr Bush has pussyfooted around the crisis of confidence in US business. Rather than lead the charge against corporate malfeasance, he left regulation and enforcement to Paul Sarbanes and Michael Oxley in Congress and Eliot Spitzer on Wall Street.

Economic policy, meanwhile, has been allowed to drift. The budget surplus has evaporated and a Republican White House that might have been expected to show fiscal prudence has ushered in a deficit."

I guess I'm not sure where the successes are. Most of what they consider "success" revolves around his acting multilaterally instead of the unilateral rhetoric. But that story doesn't have an ending yet.

Nevertheless, congrats, George. By the way, I want to file a formal complaint. I think, since I have been the one to resist his unilateral foreign policy, and I am the one who complained about his economic policy which he is now revising, that I should be man of the year. :smile:


Dancing Up A Storm
I'm reporting, You Decide

Originally posted by MGKrebs
[I guess I'm not sure where the successes are. Most of what they consider "success" revolves around his acting multilaterally instead of the unilateral rhetoric. But that story doesn't have an ending yet.

Nevertheless, congrats, George. By the way, I want to file a formal complaint. I think, since I have been the one to resist his unilateral foreign policy, and I am the one who complained about his economic policy which he is now revising, that I should be man of the year. :smile: [/B]

Maynard, I feel he's doing his best. Not everyone is going to believe that, especially the LIBERAL crowd, who'd sit back and do nothing - maybe they'd lob a couple of Tomahawks in the direction of wherever the latest polls indicated. Other than that, I do not think they would have the intestinal fortitude to hold the UNs' feet to the fire, telling them "If you, as an international body will not take action against the tyrant Saddam, WE will"
I, for one, thought that was one of GWB's greatest
achievements; in over anything I can think of the last 50 years!


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: From the article:

Originally posted by MGKrebs
"Osama bin Laden, leader of the al-Qaeda terrorist network, whom Mr Bush wanted to see captured "dead or alive" nearly 14 months ago, remains at large. The war on terror, as Mr Bush calls it, is not won; al-Qaeda-linked groups have struck in Bali and Mombasa. Pentagon officials fear another direct attack on US interests is only a matter of time.

Is Osama still at large? Seems the last information from non-American analysts was that the voice on the tape was not that of Osama. Even if it was him we were all told that this would be no easy task and the pursuit is still going on. I guess some won’t be happy unless the head is on a stick for public display.

Through a year of corporate scandals, Mr Bush has pussyfooted around the crisis of confidence in US business. Rather than lead the charge against corporate malfeasance, he left regulation and enforcement to Paul Sarbanes and Michael Oxley in Congress and Eliot Spitzer on Wall Street.
Okay, back to Civics 101, the legislative branch makes the laws. Shouldn’t they be the ones responsible for bringing about this legislation or is it that you want a dictatorship?

Economic policy, meanwhile, has been allowed to drift. The budget surplus has evaporated and a Republican White House that might have been expected to show fiscal prudence has ushered in a deficit."
With a democratically controlled Senate? Who are you kidding with this hogwash? While I realize these opinions are those of an author other than you, I would expect you to at least look into the reality of them. But I guess you would have to have an independent thought for that to happen.

I guess I'm not sure where the successes are. Most of what they consider "success" revolves around his acting multilaterally instead of the unilateral rhetoric. But that story doesn't have an ending yet.

Nevertheless, congrats, George. By the way, I want to file a formal complaint. I think, since I have been the one to resist his unilateral foreign policy, and I am the one who complained about his economic policy which he is now revising, that I should be man of the year. :smile:
You are right the story doesn’t have an ending yet. I am confident though that we will survive under this president, I don’t think I could have said the same if Gore had been elected. Bush has been very presidential in his dealings with the world and our nation. Unilateral foreign policy decisions have not been made. In every instance we have had the support of several other members of the world community and with regard to Iraq, the unanimous vote by the Security Council is a far stretch to unilaterally acting.

BTW for Georgia, you came in well behind Newt for Man of the Year. When asked specifically about the competition with you Newt was heard to say, “Maynard’s standing and achievements wouldn’t even make a pimple on the butt of the Man of the Year, but he would be right at home.” :roflmao:


Real Danger.....

I've been watching you post for months now Krebs. It's obvious that no matter what any Republican ever does - Your going to have something Crappy to say.

None of your opinions are based on fact. In your world, everything is either Democrat (Right) or Republican (wrong).

What a shallow, sad place to live Krebs. It seems that you are allowing politics to lead you around by the nose.

What ever happened to a mind of your own man?

If you go back through the archives and read you will see that Most of the Republicans (on-line) quickly post their opinions regarding Right and Wrong with an indifference to political party.

God... Even Demsformd will leave his party line when he "finally" sees how ridiculous the Democratic mind set is on certain issues.

Personally I see you as a Racist.... or whatever you call a person who hates a political leader solely on the fact that he is Republican.

Suprising that you of all people could be so shallow.


endangered species
I'm not a dem, kain.

I voted Libertarian once, I voted for Perot. But your perception is correct; ever since the Contract With America, I have been anti-Repub. I see conservatives getting more and more radical, making a country for European descended white men and nobody else.

BTW, I don't hate all repubs. McCains allright most of the time. Snowe is OK. Chaffee is OK. I like Colin Powell.

But I AM playing the role of opposition here most of the time. After the election, I wanted to try and understand what makes conservatives tick a bit more. And it gives me the chance to test my beliefs against others. So, far, I think my beliefs hold up pretty well. There are some things which we will just disagree on how to do, but that's OK.

My world is great, kain. I don't see enemies and criminals and welfare cheaters every time I turn around. Most people are basically good and will do the right thing if given the chance. I'm happy, I sleep well, I've employed ex-cons in the past with great success, I've been the victim of crime, I've been given a couple of breaks here and there. It's a good life, and most of these things we talk about don't really even effect me directly: I have no kids, I'm not on welfare, I'm probably too old for the Army to want me, I cashed in my 401k several years ago.

Anyway, try not to take it personally. This is a democracy (sort of), and somebody has to question these things or it won't be a democracy for long. The freedom to question and debate is what makes us a great nation. If the tables were turned, I suppose you would not complain about what dems in charge were doing?


Re: I'm not a dem, kain.

Originally posted by MGKrebs
I suppose you would not complain about what dems in charge were doing?

If a dem was doing something stupid than yes, I would complain.... The difference between you and I is that I place no significance on labels.

Right is right.... Wrong is wrong regardless of which side of the street you live on. :wink:


endangered species
Re: Re: From the article:

Originally posted by Ken King
I guess some won’t be happy unless the head is on a stick for public display.

Ken, the context is about Bush's successes and failures. This one cannot be counted a success yet.

Okay, back to Civics 101, the legislative branch makes the laws. Shouldn’t they be the ones responsible for bringing about this legislation or is it that you want a dictatorship?

As you've said yourself Ken, we don't need new laws, we need to enforce the ones we have. Executive enforces the law (allegedly).

With a democratically controlled Senate? Who are you kidding with this hogwash? While I realize these opinions are those of an author other than you, I would expect you to at least look into the reality of them. But I guess you would have to have an independent thought for that to happen.

Yup. Dems are just as much to blame for rolling over. Spineless twits. Nevertheless, the deficit is big, not a success. And you know that whether the President can do anything about it or not, they take the credit when it is good, they get the blame when it is bad. If he's going to take the credit (if it ever gets good), I'm going to make sure he get's some of the blame when it's bad.

If Shrubbie keeps going like he is, I may be OK with him after all is said and done. He's got a big mouth, but so far, he's done (mostly) the right actions. Let's hope he keeps it up. I don't know if the millions of people out there who feel like I do have anything to do with how those guys act or not. But just to be safe, I'm gonna keep being a pain in the ###.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: From the article:

Originally posted by MGKrebs

Ken, the context is about Bush's successes and failures. This one cannot be counted a success yet.
I understood that, but isn't that what everyone seems to be assessing the success as, bringing in Osama's body? At least we are working it now instead of letting it continue to grow and become worse. Might not be perfect but certainly it’s an improvement (aka successful).

As you've said yourself Ken, we don't need new laws, we need to enforce the ones we have. Executive enforces the law (allegedly).
In certain areas we don't need new or more laws, but when unscrupulous persons rip off shareholders and we have no protections for them, shouldn't the legislature do its job and make laws against this type behavior? If the executive agencies aren't enforcing the laws they should be made to and the heads should be fired if they don't do it. BTW, how well did the previous administration look at this problem before it got out of control? That's right, everything was fine until the election of 2000 then all these felons became CEOs and started the rip-offs. I guess they were counting on Gore to get in there and pardon them so it was a win-win for them. Now some are being found out and will be going to jail. Some could see that as another success.

Yup. Dems are just as much to blame for rolling over. Spineless twits. Nevertheless, the deficit is big, not a success. And you know that whether the President can do anything about it or not, they take the credit when it is good, they get the blame when it is bad. If he's going to take the credit (if it ever gets good), I'm going to make sure he get's some of the blame when it's bad.
Sure they take credit for it, wrongly so, just as your buddies Clinton and Gore did. When the picture is rosy everyone takes credit, when it is gray everyone blames everyone else. If we could get those who decide the spending issues to cut the pork, and those damn riders that they like to attach to legitimate bills, we could whittle down the deficit in short order.

If Shrubbie keeps going like he is, I may be OK with him after all is said and done. He's got a big mouth, but so far, he's done (mostly) the right actions. Let's hope he keeps it up. I don't know if the millions of people out there who feel like I do have anything to do with how those guys act or not. But just to be safe, I'm gonna keep being a pain in the ###.
Is this paragraph some weird sexual innuendo or something (big mouth, keep it up, pain in the @ss)? :lmao: By all means continue being a pain in the @ss and I, one of the many voices of reason, will be the Preparation-H to cool you down.


endangered species
I appreciate your insights Ken, but you really need to work on your sense of humor.:cheers: I admit, my humor is often twisted, but yours is sick.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by MGKrebs
I appreciate your insights Ken, but you really need to work on your sense of humor.:cheers: I admit, my humor is often twisted, but yours is sick.
Hey, I have never claimed or aspired to be a comedian, but my humor is fine. I enjoy laughing at what you post.


Dancing Up A Storm
Warning: The AMA advises . . . ..

Originally posted by Ken King
Is this paragraph some weird sexual innuendo or something (big mouth, keep it up, pain in the @ss)? :lmao: By all means continue being a pain in the @ss and I, one of the many voices of reason, will be the Preparation-H to cool you down.

:roflmao: And all this time I thought Preparation-H was supposed to be taken externally, only! I did hear about a guy who had chapped lips, and applied this stuff by mistake; It not only cured his lip problem, but also turned him into a world-class whistler!



Dancing Up A Storm
One Thing - that's ALL you want?

Originally posted by demsformd
Name me something good that Bush has done this year. Anything.

:cool: He is the ONE President that finally got the United Nations together and agree - pass ANOTHER resolution, #1441, was it, for Saddam to disarm. The only one to press ahead with enough carachis to let these clowns know this has gone far enough! Since what? 1991, the Iraqi tyrant has ignored(read: violated) every resolution passed BY the UN that HE agreed to, at the end of the conflict!

If an international "peacekeeping body". ie., the UN can't or won't do it, what good is it?

GO George Bush!!!



Dancing Up A Storm
Jet, the truly non-irascible one

Originally posted by jetmonkey
O, he buggers!

:biggrin: Jet, have I told you lately that you are one sick puppy? Where did you go astray, man? Was it a Nun in Catholic School who rapped your knuckles for reading comic books in the
C'mon, fess up, we can take it!

:lmao: :lmao: penn


New Member
Re: One Thing - that's ALL you want?

Originally posted by penncam
:cool: He is the ONE President that finally got the United Nations together and agree - pass ANOTHER resolution, #1441, was it, for Saddam to disarm. The only one to press ahead with enough carachis to let these clowns know this has gone far enough! Since what? 1991, the Iraqi tyrant has ignored(read: violated) every resolution passed BY the UN that HE agreed to, at the end of the conflict!

If an international "peacekeeping body". ie., the UN can't or won't do it, what good is it?

GO George Bush!!!


Yeah way to go Georgey. Hell, this resolution doesn't do jack and you know it. UN resolutions have no force of law and its just crap if you ask me.