Gergen to Obama; Game changer needed...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Obama: In Need of a Game Changer « - Blogs from

Still, this should be a huge wake-up call to Obama and the Democrats. From my perspective, Obama needs to introduce a game changer — and fast — before public opinion starts to gel around the notion that he is a phenom who deserves great respect but is not seasoned enough and would be too much of a risk in the Oval Office.

1. The Hillary game changer — If he were to surprise the country — and the press — by naming Hillary Clinton as his running mate, he could turn the race upside down. Making the announcement in Springfield this Saturday, drawing from Lincoln’s experience in assembling a “team of rivals” (the glorious book by Doris Kearns Goodwin), would be transformative. No one else would so galvanize the Democrats, bring a fighter to his side, and send a clear message that an Obama administration would bring experience to solving problems both at home and abroad. Has anyone looked what happened to jobs and wages under Bush vs. Clinton? The comparison is startling. And remember that a quarter of Hillary’s voters still haven’t “come home” to the Democratic column.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Why a new thread for this?

...would you like your bad news for Obama? All in one thread? I'm afraid that would violate some sort of EPA toxicity limits or something. :lol:

The only way a specific issue gets addressed around here is if and only if it has it's own thread and even then it's maybe 2-3 pages before it becomes something to do with sex, kittens, infidelity, alcohol, domestic issues and/or the Tiki Bar.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
He could...

I dont think Obama needs a game changer, he needs a new game. He should reboot and wait 4 years when he is a little more worthy.

...have easily done that and been in great shape next time or two around or, even better, been a prominent veep. He's got his whole life riding on this now because the Dems don't much like their fallen hero's coming back around.