For your consideration ...
Oil if we are there for the Oil why is it so expensive?
Apologizes for the long missive that follows . . . .
Think of it this way .... it is not that oil is expensive, it is the US dollar losing more of its perceived value, requiring more dollars to compensate for its lost value. (Same applies to everything we buy for ourselves). Too many dollars, trillions created of late, chasing a fixed supply of goods and services. Which necessitates the OPEC nations to demand more dollars by manipulating their oil output.
When I say value, it is a relative thing, (since the dollar is backed by nothing and its use is mandated by dictate/fiat), because the dollar has no value, other than what government says it has.
Gold and silver, as money, have intrinsic value. Gold and silver are a very good store of value. Money does not produce wealth. Money must be used to purchase labor in order to produce wealth because
labor is the source of all value. It was not by gold or silver, but by labor that all of the wealth of the world was originally purchased, and its value to those who possess it, and who want to exchange it for some new production is precisely equal to the quantity of labor which it can enable them to purchase or command.
Slowly, very slowly, incrementally, over time, since 1913, when the private international bankers took over, the US dollar has been decoupled from specie money. First gold coin, and bullion, was taken away, confiscated, from the people in 1933. Then, after 1964, silver was removed from our coinage. Then after 1982, copper was removed from pennies, leaving us with simple cheap metal tokens. And who do you think got all that gold and silver?
Before 1933, a $20 gold certificate stated on the note, "This certifies that there have been deposited in the Treasury of the United State of America Twenty Dollars in Gold Coin Payable to the Bearer on Demand, same as it was in 1900. Same with silver. At any time, a person could exchange these notes for gold or silver coin at any bank. This, gave confidence to the people that their earnings would retain the value that they traded their labor for. Today, there is no such gold or silver backing. Today's currency has absolutely no convertibility, or backing, as it was in the past. Our govement knows it. And sure as hell other countries know it as well.
That's what all the wars over the years have been fought over. Bankers love wars, because they profit immensely from both sides. Funding and financing friend and foe alike. Kinda funny that as soon as the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913, we entered WW1, which began on Jul 28, 1914. Then WW2. Vietnam, The Gulf War, Afghanistan, and every war and conflict in between up to the current wars and conflicts. Destroying those countries and leaders over the years that refused to go along with the new dollar. Which really accelerated after Nixon ended the convertibility of trade dollars to gold in 1971.
Oh, and we are there, in Sudan, flexing our muscle, ensuring that oil is sold in US dollars, to give pause to other oil producing countries. However, this strong arming is getting pretty tiring for the rest of the world. Hence the development of BRICS. These countries that are now trading their oil and energy products in other than US Dollars. They are tired of taking a constantly devalued US Dollar for their products. And, are standing up to the bully.