Get Ready for Round Two???


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G2): NOAA forecasters say that G2-class geomagnetic storms are possible on May 31st when a CME is expected to graze Earth's magnetic field. It was hurled into space by an X1.4-flare on May 29th. This forecast is uncertain. NOAA's model predicts a stiff glancing blow, while NASA's model suggests a near miss. If an impact does occur, the resulting storm could extend into June 1st. CME impact alerts: SMS Text



Well-Known Member
GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G2): NOAA forecasters say that G2-class geomagnetic storms are possible on May 31st when a CME is expected to graze Earth's magnetic field. It was hurled into space by an X1.4-flare on May 29th. This forecast is uncertain. NOAA's model predicts a stiff glancing blow, while NASA's model suggests a near miss. If an impact does occur, the resulting storm could extend into June 1st. CME impact alerts: SMS Text

So what is the defense you recommend if any as this sounds


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
More potential...

TWO VERY LARGE SUNSPOTS: Sunspots AR3712 and 13 are so large, they're altering the sunrise. "The two sunspots were easy to see as the sun rose in morning haze over Gulf Shores, Alabama," reports David J Kriegler, who took this picture at daybreak on June 20th:

Separately, each of these sunspots is about half as big as the great Carrington sunspot of 1859. Even half of a Carrington Event would be a historic solar storm, which is why we're carefully monitoring the two active regions. Both have 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic fields that harbor energy for strong X-class flares. Stay tuned. Solar flare alerts: SMS Text



Well-Known Member
Those are entrance points for the aliens visiting our planet that they populated million's of years ago WE ARE A EXPERIMENT that's all