Getting a second opinion



I've never once in my life second guessed a doctor or asked for a second opinion.

There have been times when our family doctor has sent us to Childrens Hospital for a second opinion or specialized care... but he was the one requesting it.

Now for the first time we have an issue that I don't think the doctor is really addressing as he should and I feel the need for another opinion.

So I am at a loss. Do I simply make an appointment with another family doctor and tell them I'm just looking for a second opinion or do I seek someone who specializes? Do I go through my regular dr to get to a specialist???


Dream Stealer
There is NOTHING wrong with getting a second opinion. I would make your regular doctor aware that is what you are doing this lets them know you are involved in your healthcare..and a good doctor will have no problem with you seeking another opinion.. Then make another appt...if it is something you feel is specialized..make the appt with a specialist..if it something a GP should be able to handle..another GP is the way to go..remember your insurance may guide the way you handle it..if you need a referral...costs for a specialist are higher, etc.....if you don't need a referral..simply make the appt on your own.


There is NOTHING wrong with getting a second opinion. I would make your regular doctor aware that is what you are doing this lets them know you are involved in your healthcare..and a good doctor will have no problem with you seeking another opinion.. Then make another appt...if it is something you feel is specialized..make the appt with a specialist..if it something a GP should be able to handle..another GP is the way to go..remember your insurance may guide the way you handle it..if you need a referral...costs for a specialist are higher, etc.....if you don't need a referral..simply make the appt on your own.



Transam's wife
If you have any doubts ....get the second opinion. My daughter's dr thought all she had was a pulled muscle and within two weeks, she was in terrible pain. We took her to the hospital to find out that she has cancer. Her dr. missed this! Please, do what you feel is the right thing to do.


If you have any doubts ....get the second opinion. My daughter's dr thought all she had was a pulled muscle and within two weeks, she was in terrible pain. We took her to the hospital to find out that she has cancer. Her dr. missed this! Please, do what you feel is the right thing to do.

Thanks! Now I just need to find a Dr in my area... sigh. I know there are lots, just have to flip open the yellow pages. It will be interesting to see the receptionist reaction when I tell them I don't want anything more than a one time visit, lol.