Getting beat and losing...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
When you get beat, you played really well and the other guys just made a play or two more.

When you lose, you don't play as well as you can and/or you made too many mistakes.

It is better to get beat than to lose.

Ravens got beat by the Colts.

Eagles got beat by the Saints.

The Seahawks got beat by the Bears.

The Chargers lost.


Dancing Up A Storm
As I posted in another thread, I really didn't think the Patriots had enough in the tank to pull out a victory against the Chargers. Not the way they played during the 3rd quarter.

But darn, if they didn't stick with their gameplan, stay the course within their playbook, and survive another Sunday!

The 2 point conversion play was a shocker though!

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Larry Gude said:
When you get beat, you played really well and the other guys just made a play or two more.

When you lose, you don't play as well as you can and/or you made too many mistakes.

It is better to get beat than to lose.

Ravens got beat by the Colts.

Eagles got beat by the Saints.

The Seahawks got beat by the Bears.

The Chargers lost.

And the Deadskins didn't make the playoffs.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And that would be...

Peter Forsberg said:
And the Deadskins didn't make the playoffs.


A; They lost too many games or
B; They got beat to often?

The answer is A. They are nowhere near being mentioned in the same context as these playoff teams.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's what...

Nanny Pam said:
The Eagles got beat. :ohwell:

I would like to see the Saints go all the way. :yay:

...I said. They played very well and didn't make very many mistakes. They can say, no matter how much it stings, that they played pretty good. The Chargers have far more wounds to lick and most of them were self inflicted.

If the Bears played about as well as they can yesterday, they're in trouble vs. the Saints. New Orleans offense is a good bit more potent than Seattle's.