Getting married?




No really, it's worth the drive. I grew up there, been to many LI weddings. I even cancelled my own wedding before I married the jackazz I was engaged to at the time. :killingme

So MB....looking at wedding info, huh? How ya feeling?


No really, it's worth the drive. I grew up there, been to many LI weddings. I even cancelled my own wedding before I married the jackazz I was engaged to at the time. :killingme

So MB....looking at wedding info, huh? How ya feeling?
I'm feelin large and in charge.... and a bit gassy :geek:
We're not getting married yet... there is no way in hell we can afford it, we just bought a house :lmao: We'll do it when one or both of us is out of school.

Wow, those are some very......interesting looking people! I especially love the gold teeth. :yahoo:

Bulgaria women are stunning :hot: