Gettysburg Civil War Momument question


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Up at the Gettysburg National Park there is a monument to the soldiers who served from Pennsylvania. On the sides of the monument are panels that list the individual soldiers that served in the various units. In several of the listings there are names that have been deleted by being scratched out on the panels. There are several of them, maybe numbering about 2 dozen or so names.

I was curious to know if anyone has any information as to why the names were deleted. There wasn't anyone around to ask. In hind sight maybe a trip over to the visitor center could have solved the mystery.




mama to two
Up at the Gettysburg National Park there is a monument to the soldiers who served from Pennsylvania. On the sides of the monument are panels that list the individual soldiers that served in the various units. In several of the listings there are names that have been deleted by being scratched out on the panels. There are several of them, maybe numbering about 2 dozen or so names.

I was curious to know if anyone has any information as to why the names were deleted. There wasn't anyone around to ask. In hind sight maybe a trip over to the visitor center could have solved the mystery.

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I think the war wasn't over when it was over; just like it persists today. Reparation and all. I have been to Gettysburg. Very haunting. Maybe this link will help.

When you think about it. This war became brother against brother. So, maybe some names were deliberately obliterated. I guess we will never know for sure. Very sad, and a terrible blemish on American history.
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