Need suggestions/advice - since I work in the medical field maybe I am overthinking or underthinking. Daughter (18) started about 3 months ago with mild nausea. Progressed to frequent nausea, then nausea & vomiting, to nausea, vomiting and epigastric pain. Gotten to the point where she literally can not eat anything. Fatty foods seem the worse. So immediately I think gallbladder. GI doc did endoscopy, found GE junction does not close properly causing mild gastric retention, however, he did not feel this would cause her symptoms to be as bad as they are. Usually as soon as she eats she gets severe pain, nausea and usually vomiting. She has lost 10lbs in 2 months and was thin to begin with. It seems it is getting worse everyday. She had a Hida scan today which shows her gallbladder is functioning ok. Had a blood test for Celiac Disease (don't have those results back yet) but I am not really suspicious of that. She was in the ER over the weekend, had a CT Scan which also did not show much for concern. What am I missing? I have a call into GI doc to see what we can do now (of course he is on vacation). She will have to be admitted to the hospital soon just for malnourishment if she doesn't get an answer. Any help at this point would be appreciated. I have heard from several that said their gallbladder tests were normal but had it removed any way and it fixed their problem.