Giant Food


I Need a Beer
Originally posted by tlatchaw
Rumor has it that yesterday's earthquake was caused by Izzy Cohen turning in his grave.

Poor, poor Izzy.

tlatchaw, I feel your pain - my husband works for Giant also.


Well PFGal, you outta be glad the hubby found a new job.

I will be avoiding Giant, because this means higher prices and long lines. I can be found at the SFW. :cheers:


Be about it
Originally posted by IM4Change
Well PFGal, you outta be glad the hubby found a new job.

Yes, after a year of trying he finally did. I'm so very thankful for that. It's sad, though, because he's friends with a ton of people who are going to be in bad shape when the reductions take place. :frown:


Football addict

Originally posted by IM4Change
Well PFGal, you outta be glad the hubby found a new job.

I will be avoiding Giant, because this means higher prices and long lines. I can be found at the SFW. :cheers:

ill be at shoppers too :biggrin: