Gibbs illusion...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...I've been stewing over this all night.

We were in the car on a college visit yesterday, so, I didn't see the game, BUT, having Sonny to lean on is the next best thing for me.

Beating Dallas is always sweet, in fact, given their long term W/L advantage, especially the last five years or so, it's pretty much a necessity to at least split with them to maintain the interest in the rivalry, especially in this free agent age.

So, there it is, I'm saying it; when Sonny blurted out 'bad throw', twice, late, when Brunell apparently threw some ugly balls that shoulda been picked and another late drive we punted on and Sonny was shaking his proverbial radio head over the play calling and on the Novak miss drive as well and Romo marched down the field with apparent ease, well...............I wanted us to lose.

There, I said it. Excommunicate me. Call me heretic. Blasphemer.

Folks, I was in the car. For Dallas. On a trip of our choosing that could have easily been coordinated around the game. I'm losing interest because Gibbs has built a monster, a poor Frankenstein reincarnation of MY Redskins. He's created an illusion.

It started with Brunell, a total tease that Joe saw something left that everyone else was missing.

Next was Portis, a back that simply doesn't fit the Redskin mold of Riggins or Rogers or Riggs or even Byner. I think we all know damn well how the balance sheet between an 'elite' RB vs. a guy who was then and is still the premier cover corner reads. Indy doesn't miss Edge. Seattle is fine without Alexander. Hell, look at Denver. But an elite corner...

Then, Pierce and Smoot are let go, two guys who stepped up and played huge.

We have a revolving door at WR.

We give away draft picks for guys to just sit, Duckett. Campbell can't even get mop up work.

LaVarr is gone and we still have issues as linebacker.

The latest absurdity is letting Clark go, a guy who, like Smoot and Pierce, had PERFORMED WELL.

Add to that converting a LB to DE, Carter.

I will say special teams has been good.

Gibbs is not a personnel person. Never was. Continuity is a word reserved for the QB position.

Now, the crux of all this; We were not all that good a team last year. We stole a game at Dallas and it gave Gibbs what he needed, validation. When you lose, you must question what you're doing. When you win a game, all is right in the world. When you win one you were not even competitive in, it's dangerous. All season people thought that two bombs late was this insurance card. Yes, the short game control QB is actually a deep threat! We think...

So, here we are with Dallas, a game we'd all but lost. Was it competitive? Sounds like it, BUT, they're two games in a row on the road, big win last week and we're coming off a bye. And we should have lost.

Now, with this miracle finish, everything Gibbs is doing is resuscitated. Brunell was keep clunking along until he gets hurt bad enough. Campbell and his arm and leg and football smarts sit while his peers develop. We'll likely be starting with dramatic changes, again, next year, with some key guys leaving for the new, shiny things we've just GOT to have.

The very worst of it all? He doesn't even coach anymore. Joe Gibbs, the guy who always made the halftime adjustments, who added his own chapters to the NFL's great offense's legacy, is a cheerleader, a back slapping CEO.

Anyone reading this could have taken his job in training camp and we'd have as good or a better record. There is a fully capable defensive coordinator. There is a fully capable offensive coordinator. Hell, there is Joe Bugel. Then a dozen more.

He's built a monster. It's not my Redskins anymore. 'Redskins' was always, from George Allen on, the players and coaches, together, a team. It's now this revolving door of players who don't even fit together, even though they are hand picked. It's enough coaches to start a union. It's an illusion.

Gibbs first post game comments on the radio were how great the fans are for hanging in there. Well, that's great, Joe. Bringing in Troy Vincent to block kicks was brilliant. That's what we've been waiting for!

We're a blind squirrel team right now. We're bound to find a win here and there and now, it's morbid fascination time. I can't watch in genuine excitement yet I can't turn away from seeing what this Rube Goldberg contraption does next.

Of course, I'll be following as close as ever, stuck, hoping he proves this thing out, finish 10-6 and have a shot at the playoffs.



Set Trippin
cattitude said:
And it never will be. Free agency, big bucks and the personality of the new era players will see to that.
:bawl: Gone are the days.... When a player will stick around long enough for the area to embrace him... (and vice versa)

I was just curious, good trivia question too... Dallas attempts a FG and it is blocked....the VERY next play is a FG from the other team.... When was the last time that happened? :confused: 2 back to back plays 2 field goals in opposite directions...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

cattitude said:
And it never will be. Free agency, big bucks and the personality of the new era players will see to that.

...but let's just say we kept Pierce, Champ, Fred and Clark. There was zero reason, from a play OR pay standpoint to get rid of any of them.

At that point, 3 positions we are hurting at today are solid, four if you count both corners. The Rogers pick could have been a RB or depth somewhere.

I hear you but, the teams that win are the teams that try for continuity; NE, Pitts, etc.


All Up In Your Grill
mainman said:
:bawl: Gone are the days.... When a player will stick around long enough for the area to embrace him... (and vice versa)

I was just curious, good trivia question too... Dallas attempts a FG and it is blocked....the VERY next play is a FG from the other team.... When was the last time that happened? :confused: 2 back to back plays 2 field goals in opposite directions...

Did you happen to catch in the Pats/Colts game last night, Troy Brown caught reception number 535, giving him the honor of being the WR with the most receptions in Patriots history, and that he has been with the organization since 1993. I thought THAT was truly impressive in this day and age.


All Up In Your Grill
Here's a visual...

Chris Cooley was on DC101 this morning, discussing the feel in the locker room yesterday after the win. He said that it was "great", and that all the guys were in the locker room NAKED, hugging Dan Snyder and everyone else...Naked men, huddled together hugging. :twitch:


mainman said:
:bawl: Gone are the days.... When a player will stick around long enough for the area to embrace him... (and vice versa)

I was just curious, good trivia question too... Dallas attempts a FG and it is blocked....the VERY next play is a FG from the other team.... When was the last time that happened? :confused: 2 back to back plays 2 field goals in opposite directions...

:yeahthat: I was wondering the same thing last night and posted it somewhere (I think in my forum)... I was wondering too, let alone two potential game winning field goal attempts back to back.