Gifts and Toys You'll Never See

The new Card Game, ISLAMIC POKER: You lose a hand, you lose a hand!

Fairly Serious Putty

Lil' Electrical Outlet Licker

The new Card Game, 5200 Card Pickup: Keeps kids busy all day.

Ginsu Boomerang

The Duncan YO: It never comes back up. It teaches kids how to live with disappointment.

The Pee Wee Herman Pull Toy.

Nintendo 63: this one was pretty easy to come by this holiday, for some reason.

Capitalizing on pitcher Hideo Nomo’s success, the new toy: Tickle Me Nomo.

Hasbro's Lil' Barber

Another one capitalizing on the Tickle Me Elmo success, the new toy: Tickle Me Carrot Top

Don King Hair Care products.

Angry Bird-In-A-Bag

Mike Tyson’s Hooked on Phonics.

The John Goodman AB sculptor.

New treasure hunt toy: You get to comb out the beard of the Men’s Wearhouse Guy. I guarantee it!