Ginsburg Dead


PREMO Member


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I read a piece this morning on another woman on the SCOTUS short list from Florida. Barbara Lagoa. Cuban-American, her parents fled Cuba to escape Castro, Catholic, has a couple of more years experience at the federal level than ACB. Could help deliver FL for Trump. (per GOP sources/FOX)
She was (Senate) confirmed to her current role by an 80-15 margin with 5 dems absent due to riding around in the campaign clown car.

What are the dems to do? Blast and trash a woman with 7 kids, 2 bio and 5 Haitian adoptees or the daughter of Cuban refugees that came to America to live the epitome of the American dream? Lagoa might be a white Hispanic so Schumer and his cronies would have to try and hide their inherent racism while opposing the nomination.


Well-Known Member
My God can you imagine what a strain will be placed on whoever Trump picks.?
The left will be seeking everything the person has said or done since their mother refused to abort him/her.
In fact they will use that against him/her.

He said will announce his pick Friday or Saturday..imagine the chosen lady knows and is preparing.


Well-Known Member
I read a piece this morning on another woman on the SCOTUS short list from Florida. Barbara Lagoa. Cuban-American, her parents fled Cuba to escape Castro, Catholic, has a couple of more years experience at the federal level than ACB. Could help deliver FL for Trump. (per GOP sources/FOX)
She was (Senate) confirmed to her current role by an 80-15 margin with 5 dems absent due to riding around in the campaign clown car.

What are the dems to do? Blast and trash a woman with 7 kids, 2 bio and 5 Haitian adoptees or the daughter of Cuban refugees that came to America to live the epitome of the American dream? Lagoa might be a white Hispanic so Schumer and his cronies would have to try and hide their inherent racism while opposing the nomination.
Both great choices Lagoa NOW because of the Hispanic vote, Barrett to replace Thomas and Cruz to replace Sotomayer when she goes into insulin shock.


Well-Known Member
If it is a woman she would have to be straight, married/wchildren white, Conservative.
No more liberal latin Dykes
No more liberal New York Dykes.
The court has enough LGBTQ to last 20 years.
Enough minorities.
GD right!


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Sometimes it's better just to not say anything Larry. Especially if you are considering running for Prez as a Rep in 2024.



PREMO Member
Damn, theyre moving her to the capitol now.

Bury the woman for gods sake!