Girl, 7, hopes to educate about food allergies

Girl, 7, hopes to help educate about food allergies -

"Every year, my mom and I hold a special meeting at school," Rylee said. "We make sure everyone knows what to do in case of an allergic reaction." As a result of her efforts, the school pulled all peanut products from its cafeteria.

Many schools throughout the country now tout themselves as "peanut free," as the incidences of peanut allergies in children doubled between 1997 and 2002, according to FAAN.

The reason for the increase is not known, although one theory is that Americans' immune systems are repressed by our "anti-bacterial" culture.


Well-Known Member
As person who suffers from food allergies, I applaud her efforts. She seems like a very intelligent little girl for 7.


Dream Stealer
I can't help but think that modifying the environment is not the way to go. I am glad they educate people about what to do in the event of an allergic reaction. I am pretty deathly allergic to a few things myself..not foods..insects mostly. so having people around you that know what to do in the event of a reaction is awesome! A friend of mine had a terrible reaction to an antibiotic..and she was very disoriented and upset...and even the emts didnt handle it right..because she didnt have average symptoms they didnt believe her..and could have injusred her if i or her mom hadnt mentioned that this is her norm that part is great. But I dont think that ridding the world of peanuts because a select few are allergic is the answer. there are people allergic to gulton..should we rid the schools of that? some to wheat..or dairy..see where im going with this? in elementary schoolss special care should be taken with food allergy students..yes they should not cook food in peanut oil...or say blow peanut dust down the halls..but there is no reason a pal cant have a pb and j or a snickers. If hands are washed..and students strictly reminded..everything will be just fine.towards middle school students should be old enough to do these things on their doesnt do anyone any good to try to rid the world of wont work. be prepared for reactions..because they do come and make sure your kid has an epi pen. thats sufficient.