Girl text messages a hole in her thumb


"Typical White Person"
well not really but...... What I want to know is why is she smiling?

Sofia Rubenstein, 17, got in trouble the way a lot of teens do these days.

Her incessant text-messaging racked up a huge phone bill on the family's wireless plan.

"It's whatever pops into my head. There's no stopping it," she said. "Sometimes I'll be on the phone with someone and I get texted, and then I'm having two conversations at once."

Last month the Washington high school junior used 6,807 text messages, which, at a rate of 15 cents apiece for most of them, pushed the family's Verizon Wireless bill to more than $1,100 for the month. Sofia knew she'd been texting a lot but couldn't believe the "incredible" number she hit. "I just thought, oh my God, my life is over," she said. cont....


Lovin' being Texican
AK-74me said:
.... What I want to know is why is she smiling?

Because she is a vapid, pampered brat. Well on the way to becoming an entitlement ward of either the gubment or some poor overworked "life partner."


New Member
My mind is in the gutter this morning. I totally thought this was going to be about something different.:lmao:


I wanna be a SMIB
Magnum said:
Why not pay what is it $10 or $15 for unlimited text?

:bs: Why not teach her to be responsible and live within your means. I was never allowed to make a toll call (remember those) or long distance call because it was not my phone bill to pay. I was taught the whole enchilada belonged to my parents and I just got to live there for 18 yrs. Kids now think the world owes them and I have a news flash for them, NO IT DOESNT. Get a job and support yourself.


baileydog said:
:bs: Why not teach her to be responsible and live within your means. I was never allowed to make a toll call (remember those) or long distance call because it was not my phone bill to pay. I was taught the whole enchilada belonged to my parents and I just got to live there for 18 yrs. Kids now think the world owes them and I have a news flash for them, NO IT DOESNT. Get a job and support yourself.

:yeahthat: My oldest son is begging me for a phone and I have told him absolutely not! If you want a phone, you get a job and pay for it! Your not going to run up MY bill! I also feel this way about him driving. In my opinion, if he wants to have the adult responsibility for driving then he has to prove he can be responsible enough to keep his grades up! He will NOT learn how to drive from me, my husband or the school until his grades come up. That's it end of story. His biological father bought him a cell phone and did not even consult with me on it. But my son did not get it after all because of his grades. If they are willing to foot the bill for the phone then they can knock themselves out! NOT ME!! :wench: