"Typical White Person"
well not really but...... What I want to know is why is she smiling?
Sofia Rubenstein, 17, got in trouble the way a lot of teens do these days.
Her incessant text-messaging racked up a huge phone bill on the family's wireless plan.
"It's whatever pops into my head. There's no stopping it," she said. "Sometimes I'll be on the phone with someone and I get texted, and then I'm having two conversations at once."
Last month the Washington high school junior used 6,807 text messages, which, at a rate of 15 cents apiece for most of them, pushed the family's Verizon Wireless bill to more than $1,100 for the month. Sofia knew she'd been texting a lot but couldn't believe the "incredible" number she hit. "I just thought, oh my God, my life is over," she said. cont....