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Man Invents Machine To Convert Plastic Into Oil

Plastic trash to oil/gas/kero. Small footprint. One in every home, a large scale one maybe for transfer stations.

I may look into this for a home project....

Local inventor murdered at home
A local inventor was found covered in melted plastic, smelling of paint thinner and motor oil, and was the victim of an apparent drive-by shooting. The assailants remain unidentified, but witnesses report a white pizza van with an Exxon bumper sticker speeding away from the scene.
Local inventor murdered at home
A local inventor was found covered in melted plastic, smelling of paint thinner and motor oil, and was the victim of an apparent drive-by shooting. The assailants remain unidentified, but witnesses report a white pizza van with an Exxon bumper sticker speeding away from the scene.

That thought crossed my mind........


Obama destroyed America
Local inventor murdered at home
A local inventor was found covered in melted plastic, smelling of paint thinner and motor oil, and was the victim of an apparent drive-by shooting. The assailants remain unidentified, but witnesses report a white pizza van with an Exxon bumper sticker speeding away from the scene.
Your link doesn't work. :lmao:


This Space for Rent
Man Invents Machine To Convert Plastic Into Oil

Plastic trash to oil/gas/kero. Small footprint. One in every home, a large scale one maybe for transfer stations.

I may look into this for a home project....

Just a small point, but isn't plastic a byproduct of oil... so, aren't you just recovering the oil that was already produced and converted into plastic (recycling) and not really reducing dependency on oil? and since it takes about twice the oil convereted energy to produce the plastic, you have already lost twice the oil to get the same amount in the end? Therefore, wouldn't it be easier to find a non-oil based replacement for plastics for better waste and get twice the oil up front? :lol:


Having Fun!
Just a small point, but isn't plastic a byproduct of oil... so, aren't you just recovering the oil that was already produced and converted into plastic (recycling) and not really reducing dependency on oil? and since it takes about twice the oil convereted energy to produce the plastic, you have already lost twice the oil to get the same amount in the end? Therefore, wouldn't it be easier to find a non-oil based replacement for plastics for better waste and get twice the oil up front? :lol:

oh, sure....bring logic into it!!



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Just a small point, but isn't plastic a byproduct of oil... so, aren't you just recovering the oil that was already produced and converted into plastic (recycling) and not really reducing dependency on oil? and since it takes about twice the oil convereted energy to produce the plastic, you have already lost twice the oil to get the same amount in the end? Therefore, wouldn't it be easier to find a non-oil based replacement for plastics for better waste and get twice the oil up front? :lol:

I don't think anyone expects the plastic conversion to replace oil use. But if you've got a whole state-full of plastic refuse, you've already got the oil.

Think of it this way - oil is just converted solar by means of algae and millions of years of pressure on biomass - so wouldn't it be better just to use the solar to begin with? Yeah, why not, but - you HAVE oil in its present form, why not use it?
An update to this:

Santa Cruz nonprofit hopes to make fuel from ocean-based plastic -

Plying through the infamous "Garbage Patch" in the North Pacific, a solar-powered catamaran gobbles up fishing nets, plastic bags and Styrofoam blocks, and then shoves them into a high-temperature cooker to convert the litter to fuel. This fuel propels the boat farther to devour more plastic -- until every large piece has been scooped up.

It sounds like an environmentalist's dream. But it's the ambitious mission of the Santa Cruz nonprofit Clean Oceans Project, which six months ago teamed up with a Japanese manufacturer and a San Jose distributor, E-N-ergy, to bring plastic-to-fuel technology to the Monterey Bay.


Man Invents Machine To Convert Plastic Into Oil

Plastic trash to oil/gas/kero. Small footprint. One in every home, a large scale one maybe for transfer stations.

I may look into this for a home project....

After reading this thread, I was inspired to look into this a bit deeper. I found this link A New Way to Turn Plastic Into Fuel? - about such a device in Montgomery County. Has anyone heard anything positive or negative regarding this? I mean our gracious Gov. O'Malley was there, where are the accolades about this. There are GREEN JOBS to be had!