Giving full credit where it's due...


No Longer the Kid
Chargers, Raven, Saints, Colts.

Colts - The only team in the NFl with a worse D than the Skins(which gives me hope for next year :lol:)

Ravens - Having a QB that isn't going to lose them the game, he hasn't thrown a pick in 4 games straight, first time ever in his career. The D is still one of the best, playing lights out. And the O is finally able to put a few points up and sustain drives. Something Ravens fans haven't been able to say since....well, since they became the Ravens :lmao: But cudos to them this year, they definitely have a shot :yay:

Saints - I haven't totally figured these guys out, but having Bree's and McCallister on my fantasy team, and finally seeing Bush play up to the hype, and the other rookie's stepping up each week, and the D playing hard... I think it's safe to say, these guys are no fluke, they are the real deal, great leadrership, and a team full of hungry players, and definitely the biggest turn around from last year..Look out for these guys.

Chargers - I always questioned how long LT could carry Rivers... Well, that perception changed early, Rivers looks great, LT is having the best year of his career, the D has 11 guys who float to the ball at every snap, they have the best FB in the league (Neal) blocking for this year's MVP. And if you can stop LT, you can't stop the QB WR core.. look out for these guys, I thought they peeked a few weeks back, but they have shut that opinion right up.

Maybe I'm crazy, but I could see a Chargers Saints SuperBowl and not have any issues watching it :yay: