Glamour magazine


I don't read/buy girly magazines but I was drawn to the cover of November's Glamour, Kiera Knighingly is on the cover and I really like the way her hair is cut. Then I noticed the article about 23 great things to do with your hair tonight. Now that I want it its off the newstands and December's issue is up.

So, with that said, does anyone have a copy they're done with and would like to pass on to me?


I don't read/buy girly magazines but I was drawn to the cover of November's Glamour, Kiera Knighingly is on the cover and I really like the way her hair is cut. Then I noticed the article about 23 great things to do with your hair tonight. Now that I want it its off the newstands and December's issue is up.

So, with that said, does anyone have a copy they're done with and would like to pass on to me?

:smack:..quit being so cheap.


My dream haircut...


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But really I think the Dec issue is out already :ohwell:

If anybody find this copy in a waiting room please swipe it for me.


curiouser and curiouser
I have it, but I live in NC. If you just want that article I can scan it for you.


My dream haircut...

I am not saying this to get attention, but that is my hair cut. Ask T he can tell you he has seen it, except I can't remember if I had some up it pulled up or not. My hair naturally lays in those curls, the only part I have to fix is my bangs. :biggrin:


Be honest you want the issue for the sex article that is listed on the cover........:evil:
:lol: HA!

Really, even though it was in huge bold letters I didn't notice it. When I find something of fashion that I must have I get tunnel vision and I won't notice anything else, sometimes not even the price tag. But you're right, I'll read it then realize it worthless :ohwell:

I am not saying this to get attention, but that is my hair cut. Ask T he can tell you he has seen it, except I can't remember if I had some up it pulled up or not. My hair naturally lays in those curls, the only part I have to fix is my bangs. :biggrin:

Thats my hair too, soft natural curls. Well today with the humidity a little tighter, you know how that goes.


curiouser and curiouser
I do that too with my shape and fitness magazines.
Well, I'm quite confused because the table of contents lists the 23 "things" on pages 90 and 258, but that only gives me 18 "things". If I figure out where the other 5 ran off to, I'll send them your way. The others are on the way. :lol:


Well, I'm quite confused because the table of contents lists the 23 "things" on pages 90 and 258, but that only gives me 18 "things". If I figure out where the other 5 ran off to, I'll send them your way. The others are on the way. :lol:


You're like my superhero, Galmour Gal!


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I Then I noticed the article about 23 great things to do with your hair tonight. Now that I want it its off the newstands and December's issue is up.

#1 thing to do with your hair tonight: Have it splayed out across your so's lap. :killingme


:lol: HA!

Really, even though it was in huge bold letters I didn't notice it. When I find something of fashion that I must have I get tunnel vision and I won't notice anything else, sometimes not even the price tag. But you're right, I'll read it then realize it worthless :ohwell:

Thats my hair too, soft natural curls. Well today with the humidity a little tighter, you know how that goes.

Mine tends to be a bit frizzy on wet days! :rolleyes: