Glenn Forest


New Member
We are relocating to Pax River this summer, and I was wondering if anyone could give me any info on Glenn Forest housing and the surrounding area. Thanks.
It's off of Willows Road, which is right by gate 2 of the base. After 9-11 they had armed security at the gate and, not sure if they do now (when I say gate I mean actually at the entrance of the housing). There is a park before the entrance to the housing area, that is cool for kids to play in.
ArielleEirinn said:
How quiet ( or not ) is the neighborhood?
Everytime I have driven back there I never heard any screaming, gun shots, cars doing burnouts, etc, etc. Summer is coming which means that the kids will be out later. It's just like any other neighborhood.


New Member
When you say any other neighborhood, you haven't live in Hampton Roads, VA before have you? LOL...Kids playing is one thing, people blaring car stereos all hours of the night is different. We're hoping for a quiet neighborhood for a change.
ArielleEirinn said:
When you say any other neighborhood, you haven't live in Hampton Roads, VA before have you? LOL...Kids playing is one thing, people blaring car stereos all hours of the night is different. We're hoping for a quiet neighborhood for a change.
I was never stationed at Hampton before. I was stationed in Jax, and here at Pax. The military here is also downsizing (Soon Strike & Force will be all civilians), so that means less military for the base.
Assuming that it's your husband in the Navy; which command is he going to?


New Member
ArielleEirinn said:
We are relocating to Pax River this summer, and I was wondering if anyone could give me any info on Glenn Forest housing and the surrounding area. Thanks.

just stay out of St. Marys if at all possible.
slaphappynmd said:
just stay out of St. Marys if at all possible.
Why turn down free military housing? That's a dumb idea. THERE ARE decent neighborhoods in St Mary's county. You just need to know where to look.


New Member
According to Lincoln, we will be living in Glenn Forest. But all I can find is a tiny blurb about sq footage, list of appliances and when it was built. No pics, and haven't yet been able to find anyone that lived there more recently than when they were built.


New Member
SilverIntrepid said:
Why turn down free military housing? That's a dumb idea. THERE ARE decent neighborhoods in St Mary's county. You just need to know where to look.

nope, not true, everyone IS related and the place smells like a landfill, yes the whole county!


New Member
ArielleEirinn said:
According to Lincoln, we will be living in Glenn Forest. But all I can find is a tiny blurb about sq footage, list of appliances and when it was built. No pics, and haven't yet been able to find anyone that lived there more recently than when they were built.

Glenn Forest is about the nicest military housing that you are going to find. I have known many people that have lived there that have absolutely loved it. By the way, St. Marys County is a wonderful place to live and please do not listen to anyone that would tell you different.


I had a friend that lived there, it was always quiet when I was in there. It also just got a face lift about 5 yrs. ago. The apartments are really nice. Not too small. The only pain in the butt is having to do the speed limit in there and I think it is something weird like 15 mph. If you don't do the speed limit you will get a ticket as there is ALWAYS someone watching! Your children will probably attend Lexington Park Elementary if you have any little ones. The library is directly across the street from the school and so is the new fire station. All of this is a hop, skip and a jump from Glenn Forest! Welcome!! :howdy:


I had a friend who lived there about 6 years ago. When I went to visit her, the neighborhood seemed like any other military housing neighborhood I've visited (I've only seen a few). Her place was nice, two stories with a couple bedrooms, the linoleum tiled floors with her own pretty throw rugs strewn throughout, the usual military housing amenities in my opinion. It was nice enough if that helps, but remember it's off base.

Welcome to the area! :smile:
thequizmaster said:
Glenn Forest is about the nicest military housing that you are going to find. I have known many people that have lived there that have absolutely loved it. By the way, St. Marys County is a wonderful place to live and please do not listen to anyone that would tell you different.
I don't know if I would say it's the nicest you are going to find, the nicest around here, yes and no. We live in Carpenter Park, it's a bit nicer that you are not right on top of your neighbors, this set-up is a bit off-set. Over there, you are sharing a wall directly with your neighbors. The parking over there is tight, some driveways are barely long enough to fit a car in (well that depends what unit you get). The yard aren't all that big, but again, depending which unit you get, it can be a good size. There has been major renovations in GF, so you will get all new appliances, and yes there is a good amount of square footage, but it is on the tight side. While I have only visited people over there a few times, it seemed to be relatively quiet, but I can't give an honest opinion on that, again from what I've seen, it depends where you are in the housing, some places look run down because the people there don't give a crap, other people have it looking great...
Mousebaby said:
Your children will probably attend Lexington Park Elementary if you have any little ones. The library is directly across the street from the school and so is the new fire station. All of this is a hop, skip and a jump from Glenn Forest! Welcome!! :howdy:
It's actually in the Park Hall zone...


New Member
ArielleEirinn said:
We are relocating to Pax River this summer, and I was wondering if anyone could give me any info on Glenn Forest housing and the surrounding area. Thanks.

I am an MA for the base. What I can tell you is that Glen Forest is your average military housing. I dont live in GF but I do live right next door. About the speed limit, yes its pretty slow. We do patrol the area so if your speeding, you will get ticketed. If you have children, becareful around 8:00. For some reason this is the time when people want to speed. From my understanding, all of the military housing is getting better with some new upgrade.


GF housing is in fact the best that you'll find in this area. All of the PAX River housing is now under private management through Lincoln Military Housing. They are a good company and doing much more for our Sailors and Families than providing housing. They have done more for family housing in the 18 or so months that they have been here than the Navy did in the past 10 years prior.
Lincoln is getting a lot accomplished on all fronts of military housing at PAX and GF is no exception. Every unit is/has been 100% remodeled with many upgrades and enclosed garages to boot. If you're not satisfied with them homes in GF then you are expecting too much out of Navy housing.
With regards to St. Mary's'll love it...or you'll hate it. I happen to love it and will retire here next May. :jameo: