Global cooling...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...more bad news for the church of Gore.

DailyTech - Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling

No more than anecdotal evidence, to be sure. But now, that evidence has been supplanted by hard scientific fact. All four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, RSS) have released updated data. All show that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped precipitously.

Scientists quoted in a past DailyTech article link the cooling to reduced solar activity which they claim is a much larger driver of climate change than man-made greenhouse gases. The dramatic cooling seen in just 12 months time seems to bear that out. While the data doesn't itself disprove that carbon dioxide is acting to warm the planet, it does demonstrate clearly that more powerful factors are now cooling it.

I wonder if the Nobel Peace folks are considering taking Al's prize back or at least changing it to a prize for fiction?

Sweet 16

My son's science teacher is a GW disciple. He loves to debate his teacher on stuff like this. :duel: Bet you a million you won't hear anything about this in the mainstream media though.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

My son's science teacher is a GW disciple. He loves to debate his teacher on stuff like this. :duel: Bet you a million you won't hear anything about this in the mainstream media though.

...Gore has succeed in that respect; business is now on board and facts simply don't matter. We now have terms like 'green collar worker' and everyone's product is eco-friendly, even things that are decidedly not; but they're made with eco friendliness and sensitivity at least in mind.

An emotion has triumphed over science because enough people have a need and because other people now see how to make money off of that need.


We now have terms like 'green collar worker' and everyone's product is eco-friendly, even things that are decidedly not; but they're made with eco friendliness and sensitivity at least in mind.

Keeping eco-friendliness and sensitivity in mind makes a product "green"?



A few days ago I was writing a program which sends a message down the avionics pipeline which arms a daisy-cutter bomb if IFF interrogations are not properly and timely responded to by tracked ground targets deemed to be carrying or deploying improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

While I was writing it, I was actually thinking about laying in a meadow with bunnies, and eating organic zucchini.

So next time you see a video where an insurgent is blasted into moist dust-like particles no larger than --> . <-- this, THINK GREEN~! :howdy:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Keeping eco-friendliness and sensitivity in mind makes a product "green"?



A few days ago I was writing a program which sends a message down the avionics pipeline which arms a daisy-cutter bomb if IFF interrogations are not properly and timely responded to by tracked ground targets deemed to be carrying or deploying improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

While I was writing it, I was actually thinking about laying in a meadow with bunnies, and eating organic zucchini.

So next time you see a video where an insurgent is blasted into moist dust-like particles no larger than --> . <-- this, THINK GREEN~! :howdy:

...sales. Think marketing. Think 'perception is reality'.

You just proved it;

If you present bombs as destroyers, killing, mud, blood, fire, brimstone, holes in the ground, they are ugly. If a bomb fixes a problem, gets rid of bad guys and their nastiness, so that bunnies may frolick in the sunny, grassy meadow and eat fresh, delicious carrots, bombs are beautiful.


If a bomb fixes a problem, gets rid of bad guys and their nastiness, so that bunnies may frolick in the sunny, grassy meadow and eat fresh, delicious carrots, bombs are beautiful.

This calls for an Inspirational Poster....


  • bombs_inspire.jpg
    73.1 KB · Views: 48

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I appreciate...

This calls for an Inspirational Poster....

...that you are trying, but a few gallons of pink paint, a smiley face sticker and stenciling 'have a nice day' on the side would go a long way to making people feel better. It's not just the message itself; it's also what the image 'says'.
...that you are trying, but a few gallons of pink paint, a smiley face sticker and stenciling 'have a nice day' on the side would go a long way to making people feel better. It's not just the message itself; it's also what the image 'says'.

That and "this device is made from 87% recycled materials".:yay:


Lem Putt
...that you are trying, but a few gallons of pink paint, a smiley face sticker and stenciling 'have a nice day' on the side would go a long way to making people feel better. It's not just the message itself; it's also what the image 'says'.



  • bombs_inspire.jpg
    91.5 KB · Views: 39


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Keeping eco-friendliness and sensitivity in mind makes a product "green"?



A few days ago I was writing a program which sends a message down the avionics pipeline which arms a daisy-cutter bomb if IFF interrogations are not properly and timely responded to by tracked ground targets deemed to be carrying or deploying improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

While I was writing it, I was actually thinking about laying in a meadow with bunnies, and eating organic zucchini.

So next time you see a video where an insurgent is blasted into moist dust-like particles no larger than --> . <-- this, THINK GREEN~! :howdy: