Global Migrant Issues


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Islam accounts for 81% of religious incidents in French workplaces, new report finds

According to the 2024 Baromètre du Fait Religieux en Entreprise by Institut Montaigne, over 70 percent of companies are now experiencing incidents fuelled by religious beliefs, a sharp increase from previous years.

The report identified the rising visibility of Islamic practices as a key driver of workplace challenges, with tensions surrounding religious symbols, prayer practices, and employees’ views on women taking a toll on organizational harmony.

Islam accounted for 81 percent of religious incidents at work, a notable increase from 73 percent in 2022. This includes a surge in visible expressions such as wearing hijabs and other religious symbols, now cited in 36 percent of reported cases, up from 19 percent just two years ago.

Requests for schedule adjustments to accommodate religious observances and prayer breaks are also frequent among Muslim employees, complicating workplace management.

Muslim employees, particularly young men in lower-skilled positions, are often at the center of workplace conflicts, the report noted. Additionally, behaviors deemed disruptive, such as refusing to work with women or aggressive attempts to convert others, are disproportionately associated with Islamic practices.

As a result, reports of alleged stigmatization and hiring discrimination against Muslims have surged, with 71 percent of documented discriminatory incidents linked to the religious group.


Smarter than the average bear
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Grannies getting a taste of that sweet, sweet multiculturalism.

A man described by his attackers as an “African type” has been convicted for beating and robbing 10 elderly French women in the north of Paris between April and August of this year. The ages of the women ranged between 61 and 93, and the thief, who already has a long criminal record, openly admitted to the robberies in court. Yann M., would jump the women, rip their necklace off their throats with “great brutality,” and in most cases either choking them or throwing them violently around the apartment building or elevator.

Some of the women suffered serious injuries during the assaults,
The 30-year-old Yann B., who has 12 convictions in total for theft, fraud, kidnapping, drug trafficking, and extortion, claimed that the robberies were due to a drug debt worth €60,000.
import the 3rd world.......


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Too many industrialized nations have taken an absurd stance when it comes to immigrants. We all should justifiably consider refugees because they are fleeing for their lives - but the underlying concept of "refugee" is its temporary nature. If you have a cabin in the woods and two lost stragglers ask for shelter, it's reasonable to expect they are not asking to MOVE IN WITH YOU PERMANENTLY.

We can no longer continue with the premise of "economic refugee". If a nation wants to be that magnanimous, it should require citizens to step up and show they can care for them. Otherwise, don't expect the government to do it.

If you run a business and some soul comes to your door desiring a job, you don't give them one based on need (well maybe you do, but certainly not always). YOU give them one based on what they can do for you. If you're a plumbing company and they can't *plumb*, then you tell them, sorry, no work for you - sadly, you don't bring anything to the table.

Immigrants should be able to BRING something. Lots of nations - especially in Europe - only open their doors to Americans if they can show an income above a certain level (say, retirees). They don't want - BURDENS. And they want your money. YOU bring something.

A desire to live in the new nation isn't enough most places around the world. There's always some kind of cost. We need to re-implement that.