Too many industrialized nations have taken an absurd stance when it comes to immigrants. We all should justifiably consider refugees because they are fleeing for their lives - but the underlying concept of "refugee" is its temporary nature. If you have a cabin in the woods and two lost stragglers ask for shelter, it's reasonable to expect they are not asking to MOVE IN WITH YOU PERMANENTLY.
We can no longer continue with the premise of "economic refugee". If a nation wants to be that magnanimous, it should require citizens to step up and show they can care for them. Otherwise, don't expect the government to do it.
If you run a business and some soul comes to your door desiring a job, you don't give them one based on need (well maybe you do, but certainly not always). YOU give them one based on what they can do for you. If you're a plumbing company and they can't *plumb*, then you tell them, sorry, no work for you - sadly, you don't bring anything to the table.
Immigrants should be able to BRING something. Lots of nations - especially in Europe - only open their doors to Americans if they can show an income above a certain level (say, retirees). They don't want - BURDENS. And they want your money. YOU bring something.
A desire to live in the new nation isn't enough most places around the world. There's always some kind of cost. We need to re-implement that.