Global Poll Shows a Kerry Landslide



:duh: That's a given with the terrorist and communist votes.


staring into the abyss
This might be idle speculation on my part, but given the view many people internationally have of the US and our politicians, Bush might be suffering more from being the current president than being a Republican or Conservative or anything else.

In other words, some of Kerry's support is not due to policy or position, but based on the fact that he's not the current president. So imagine you're voting online for the UK's next Prime Minister. You know who Tony Blair is, but have no idea who his opponents are. You're likely to vote against Blair if you don't like the UK or any of the policies that you're aware of. So you pick the next guy in line, who's running on the Looney ticket.

BTW there really is a Monster Raving Looney Party in the UK.


Enjoying life!
This 'poll' is pretty damn meaningless. I'm glad some French loon wasted time and money on it. They all can't help but hate us. The other night, I watched a show about Arab hatred for America. They hate us because we look down on them, and to paraphrase one interviewee..

"Look at Arab history, look at how long Arabs have existed and what we have accomplished. The US is not even 300 years old, but it looks down on us like we are nothing."

Yeah! You know why?! Because you ain't done shiznit in the millenium+ that you've existed, that's why! Hell, we even had to find your damn oil for you! The same thing can be said for the French, and all of Europe. You gave us culture, but what have you done for us lately? Hmmm?

And what have we accomplished in a measely 225 years, s'il vous plaisz? :burning: :drama: :duel: :duel: Ugh! Damn French!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
In politics...

...everything is a virtue if you can shape the issue YOUR way. We call it spin.

To me, I cannot think of a larger indictment of Kerry, nor plus for W, than the 'global poll'.

Now, let's poll the people who leave the rest of the world to come to America.

Let's poll people who do business with us.

Let's poll Saddam.

Let's poll the Taliban.


Steve - Although it hasn't been lately, they did help this country obtain it's freedom from England. Remember de Lafayette from history? He paid for his own ship, obtained his own crew, and fought with George Washington. It resulted in several victories for this country at a time when we badly needed it and the Treaty of Paris was signed in France granting us independence. Pretty pivotal in the scheme of things if you think about it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...your damn right!

And in WWI when France was on the verge of collapse due to war weariness and massive casualties, US Doughboys said "Lafeyette, we are here!".

And in WW2 AFTER France had submitted to Germany US military blood was shed once again to give them their country back.

One would think France would feel a great kinship with us.

France's real problem is a rather large Muslim community.


Enjoying life!
Dixie said:
Steve - Although it hasn't been lately, they did help this country obtain it's freedom from England. Remember de Lafayette from history? He paid for his own ship, obtained his own crew, and fought with George Washington. It resulted in several victories for this country at a time when we badly needed it and the Treaty of Paris was signed in France granting us independence. Pretty pivotal in the scheme of things if you think about it.

Let me give you another pivotal point with more relevance: saving French azzes from German occupation, even as they rolled over in defeat, nay assisted(!) Germany like the coward pansies they are! And yet we still made them free once more. Would France have done that for us sixty years ago? 20 years ago? Today? No way, Jose.

And France helped us gain our independence from Britain to advance their own interests as well, mutual cooperation. Not like the back-stabbing you see today.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And, PS, Lafayette - we're here again to keep the Islamofascists on the run so you don't get the Spain/Russia/9-11 treatment that they like to dish out.

France isn't here...but we sure are. You're welcome. :rolleyes:


Enjoying life!
Larry Gude said:
France's real problem is a rather large Muslim community.

France's real problem is it's embrace of Socialism. Since they adopted that path they have seen their prominence wain. They have no urge anymore, no desire. They want to sit and drink in their cafe's and eat their brie, scoffing at other countries that still fight the fight against oppression, and declare their hatred for the U.S.

We should take some satisfaction, however, in knowing that we can take France even easier than the Germans did.


You are all forgetting the quagmire the French left us in Vietnam. The colonized Vietnam and brutalized those people horribly. Then during WWII they lost Vietnam to Japan and when the war ended the French wanted it back much to the displeasure of the Vietnamese. They started brutalizing them again refusing to allow them a voice in their own nation. Ho turned to the communists in Russia to fund his revolt against French brutality while France turned to us for cash. We pumped millions and millions to the French in Vietnam, then they just said screw it and left and we had to take over. That is how we got there to begin with.


Enjoying life!
Now you got me started!

The French joined the coalition to defend Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and enforce the no-fly UN resolutions, following the first Gulf War. But, those MFers never participated in an actual operation over Iraq to support those UN measures! When their frog pilots would crash in their Mirage 2000's in the vast Saudi desert, not an American, not a Brit, not Spaniard shed a tear! Again the French sucked on the teets of others, elevating their training and skills at our expense. And for what? A pittence of financial contributions. They never risked getting shot at! They never led an attack on SAM or AAA sites! No, they sat in their exclusive enclaves on Prince Sultan Air Base and watched real fighters do the job.


You're all right and so was I. What goes around comes around and although we gave more than received if we hadn't received their help in our time of need, the outcome might have been different. I guess the moral of the story to me is we all need each other. Took a lot of help to make this country what it is today, lots of different cultures, lots of different ideas, really what is strictly American?


Enjoying life!
Dixie said:
You're all right and so was I. What goes around comes around and although we gave more than received if we hadn't received their help in our time of need, the outcome might have been different. I guess the moral of the story to me is we all need each other. Took a lot of help to make this country what it is today, lots of different cultures, lots of different ideas, really what is strictly American?

Yeah, and if the Romans hadn't stretched themselves too thin, we'd all be speaking Latin today. You can "what if" history to death, but an initial action of support 225 years ago does not make up for all the failures since. Like Bush has said "Either you're with us, or you're with the terrorists".


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Something interesting to note: The media never polls about other countries' elections. Where's the poll asking who the world wants for President of Russia, France and Germany?


Well-Known Member
For all the trumpeting about Lafayette, let's not forget that France fought an extremely brutal and savage war *AGAINST* us not ten years prior to the Revolution, and about ten years AFTER the Republic was founded, we fought against France in the Quasi-War, for three years. And even during the war, we received materials and money from the French, but militarily they were of little consequence save for the sole exception of Yorktown, and their defeat of the British fleet. Other than that, their alliance consisted of broken promises, botched campaigns in Newport and New York and arrogant treatment of us as a lesser nation. Some things never change.


In the past few years, I've been to:

Saudi Arabia
The Netherlands

And the sole source of US news is all of these places? CNN and CNN International. So whatever spin CNN puts on things is how the World see us. So consider the source for this poll.


Enjoying life!
Bruzilla speaks the truth. CNN reigns outside our borders, while FNC reigns within. Give it time...


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Umm, why does anyone give a s*** who other countries think should be running ours? As far as I'm concerned, this poll is in Bush's favor. The fact that other countries want Kerry is all the more reason not to vote for him. I think I remember seeing an ad or something asking who would Osama, Sadam, and someone else vote for and then showing Kerry. This poll just backs the sentiment behind that ad.