Larry Gude
Strung Out
They found warmer winters and cooler summers, combined with more snow and rainfall, could be causing some mountain glaciers to increase in size.
A Russian scientist predicts a period of global cooling in coming decades, followed by a warmer interval.
There's a letter to the editor in the Poat today about a China/Global warming/Kyoto/End of the world/no motivation because it would hurt their economy story from last week. The writer indignantly notes that China DID sign the Kyoto treaty (yet, btw, have not lifted a finger to cut emissions) and that, as anyone who saw 'An inconvenient truth' KNOWS, the Chinese have every reason to be concerned because the movie SHOWS what WILL happen to them WHEN dramatic sea level rise occurs.
We sat on the deck last night and watched the sun set. It's amazing watching this thing, 93,000,000 miles away and the dramatic affect it has on our planet. A day and night affect. Literally. Kinda puts who we are and what we do in it's proper perspective. Maybe one day people will look at the sun and recognize its power in relation to Al Gores wet dreams.
As you were.