The programs that are ushering in the digital enslavement of humankind are several. One is the pending W.H.O.'s Global Treaty for Pandemics. In the case of a pandemic, the w.h.o. basically takes over all the health authority in signator countries if a pandemic arises. We know that can result in lockdowns, mandatory masks and censorship. Couple this with programmable digital currency, of which whose use can be controlled by the government or your employer, so they decide what you can spend your money on or if you're cut off, and you're half a step from totalitarianism. Add to that, the digital id, so that a digital id, and the nwo can track everything you do, purchase, have medical treatment for, etc. That's the final nail creating the totalitarian new world order. If you don't comply, take your poison Vax filled with nanobots, then you're cut off. You cant pay your bills. And don't be surprised that the BRICS countries are right on board with this agenda, since half the Bric's members are totalitarian regimes already.
Whilst investigating Event 201, I read that the W.H.O. wanted to have two trial runs of the pandemic procedures globally by 2025. Well, the first round was covid19 which was pretty successful, from their standpoint. My guess is that second trial run will coincide with the global ratification of the global treaty on Pandemics, and the dual rollout of digital IDs and digital currency. The pandemic treaty is supposed to be completed by 2024. Once that's done, they instigate a new pandemic and lock everything down via the digitization of currency and trade. Then watch for strictly enforced vaccine mandates. Of course we know this is a journey into the star trek Borg.
Gotto find a way out
Whilst investigating Event 201, I read that the W.H.O. wanted to have two trial runs of the pandemic procedures globally by 2025. Well, the first round was covid19 which was pretty successful, from their standpoint. My guess is that second trial run will coincide with the global ratification of the global treaty on Pandemics, and the dual rollout of digital IDs and digital currency. The pandemic treaty is supposed to be completed by 2024. Once that's done, they instigate a new pandemic and lock everything down via the digitization of currency and trade. Then watch for strictly enforced vaccine mandates. Of course we know this is a journey into the star trek Borg.
Gotto find a way out