Gluten allergy


black widow
I have a friend who has a gluten allergy... I found gluten-free beer for her at the health food store in Leonardtown :)

[Edit]: The gluten-allergy definitely seems to have its positives - she stays slim and healthy all the time. The allergy makes her stay away from pretty much all of the evil food groups. And she still gets to drink beer!


My 13yo has a gluten allergy. She sometimes has a hard time focusing on a task, and after we took her off of gluten, she was able to focus MUCH better. That is not the only problem, but that is a HUGE one for her. It's AMAZING what gluten can do to your body. We have decided to take her almost completely off of gluten.


New Member
My 2 Grandchildren Have It. It Is Called I Believe Silliac Disease Or Spelled Something Like That. If Not Taken Car Of It Can Do Serious Intestinal Problems


New Member
My daughter was dx with Celiac 2 years ago. Since then I have been trying to be GF as well. I have educated myself a lot over the last few years. There is a support group that meets the 1st Thursday of the Month at 7pm at St. Mary's Hospital. They are a wealth of information.


New Member
Thank you everyone for all the responses. Especially the one about the support group at St. Mary's Hospital. Do you happen to know who I would contact about that group?