GMA - Polishing turds


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I hope women's rights groups find this behavior offensive. Thug blames the victim. TV show goes to the thugs rescue, subtlety playing the race card . If this kid couldn't throw a ball, then nobody would care. Now that he's off the team, he's repentant. I bet mom cried because her son was derailed on his way to the NFL. Funny how she didn't raise him to be violent but she said she wanted to wring his neck.

Johnson, speaking exclusively with ABC News' Michael Strahan, said he regrets the encounter.
“I totally should have walked away. I’m sorry. I apologize to the lady in the incident, to her family ... to my mother,” Johnson said. “I know I wasn’t raised that way.”

Imma knock yo azz out


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Please, please, give me another chance. I promise it won't happen again until the next time.


New Member

Am I the ONLY one who does not see the wrong on BOTH parties here?

Look again at the video...

0:16 Woman at bar raises closed fist to suggest punching Johnson which Johnson then grabs her wrists to restrain her.

0:21 Woman CLEARLY throws a left punch at Johnson's face (looks like it mostly missed but the angle is not good.

Johnson then throws a right cross and she goes down.


Sorry but... you throw like a man... at a man... and you get KTFO!

Both parties are at fault here.

P.S. Can't help but laugh at the two chicks at 1:30 who, instead of notifying or looking for police, take to their smartphones to twitter/Facebook about it! :lol:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sorry but... you throw like a man... at a man... and you get KTFO!

Both parties are at fault here.

As much as I hate to agree with you because you are such a douche...yep. She doubles up her fist and threatens him, he grabs her arm to prevent her from punching him, she swings at him with her left, and he gives her one upside the head. I'm going to call that one her fault.


One Nation Under God

Am I the ONLY one who does not see the wrong on BOTH parties here?

Look again at the video...

0:16 Woman at bar raises closed fist to suggest punching Johnson which Johnson then grabs her wrists to restrain her.

0:21 Woman CLEARLY throws a left punch at Johnson's face (looks like it mostly missed but the angle is not good.

Johnson then throws a right cross and she goes down.


Sorry but... you throw like a man... at a man... and you get KTFO!

Both parties are at fault here.

So now we know why you stalk bann and vrail. You hate women. Sorry but at no given time should a man hit a woman. Pig!



Dream Stealer
I think its ridiculous that hes on some apology tour and everyone starts crying about "hitting a woman" equality try to fight like a man, get prepared to be punched. I don't feel sorry for her a bit.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I don't feel sorry for either one of them. Being young, underage in a bar, and probably drunk, well, stupid gets one what stupid is.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
If he felt justified hitting her then he should have said during the interview that he hit her because she hit him first.

If I were the victim or knew the victim I'd be pissed for a national TV show somehow trying to spin this as a misunderstood youth. He was quick to unload on her, it didn't take much to get him to throw that punch. GMA owes the victim an apology. I find it unusual that the women's groups aren't denouncing what this kid did or the fact that well known celebrities took his side in this incident. This is Ray Rice all over again.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If he felt justified hitting her then he should have said during the interview that he hit her because she hit him first.

If I were the victim or knew the victim I'd be pissed for a national TV show somehow trying to spin this as a misunderstood youth. He was quick to unload on her, it didn't take much to get him to throw that punch. GMA owes the victim an apology. I find it unusual that the women's groups aren't denouncing what this kid did or the fact that well known celebrities took his side in this incident.

The fact that, obviously, he felt justified, and, just as obviously, others feel, even remotely, he was justified, in full on punching a girl for a drunken slap speaks directly to how little we expect of men anymore in this nation.

Act like a man? Punch a girl. A drunk one. Then, go sit by mommy in front of the world and tell everyone what a good boy you really are, how mommy didn't raise you to hit girls.

No sweat, son. It's allowed in America now. Expected even. Now, go be a 'leader' and a role model for some football team and get what's owed to you.


New Member
So now we know why you stalk bann and vrail. You hate women. Sorry but at no given time should a man hit a woman. Pig!


Hopefully some woman will beat you about the face until you can no longer speak and breaks all of your fingers so no one else on this forum can read your sorry azz opinions!


Well-Known Member
As much as I hate to agree with you because you are such a douche...yep. She doubles up her fist and threatens him, he grabs her arm to prevent her from punching him, she swings at him with her left, and he gives her one upside the head. I'm going to call that one her fault.

On the one hand, she was asking for it

The fact that, obviously, he felt justified, and, just as obviously, others feel, even remotely, he was justified, in full on punching a girl for a drunken slap speaks directly to how little we expect of men anymore in this nation.

Act like a man? Punch a girl. A drunk one. Then, go sit by mommy in front of the world and tell everyone what a good boy you really are, how mommy didn't raise you to hit girls.

No sweat, son. It's allowed in America now. Expected even. Now, go be a 'leader' and a role model for some football team and get what's owed to you.

On the other hand punching a woman in the head isn't right. Being a man used to men something. I can't imagine punching a woman like that unless I felt my life was actually in danger.