GMP highspeed Internet?


Active Member
Its sad when you have memorized their number (3013733201)... Im not stupid with computer.... I know everything their techsupport has to lookup online to help me so i skip techsupport and call their office most of the time...

Simple solution that USUALY works... Remove all the cords from your cable modem at the same time... wait a minute and hook it back up, if that doesnt work try rebooting your machine... if that doesnt work give that number a ring


I did all the crap with unplugging the modem for a minute and pushing the reset button for 20 sec, but I don't know what good playing with my computer will do when the link light on the modem is flashing. No link, no connection. You don't even need to have your computer connected to the modem to know it isn't going to work.

I ended up calling GMP on thursday after three days with no connection. Took me about 10 calls to not get a busy signal, then a good 30 minutes listening to hold music before I got someone. They did tell me that the internet was out in my area, but would give me no hint as too when it will be back.