GMP internet!!!


New Member
Does GMP suck or is it just me? My connection sometimes can be down for a day or two. (well, now's up, obviously).

But I have to ask them a question so I've been trying to call them all yesterday and today. The phone either rings off the hook or is busy (90% of the time).

I can't get DSL. And the wireless internet service is too expensive...


New Member
anyone you can recommend? I thought they're the only cable company here. I'm in Leonardtown.

I need basic/expanded cable channels and high speed internet.


New Member
Complain!! RE: GiMP Cable

The best way to light a fire under GMP is to formally complain to the County Commissioners office at:

They will forward it to Bob Kelly at the county IT department who handles the complaints against GMP or call Bob Kelly himself. Also, there is a Cable Advisory Committee open to the public held on the third Monday at 5:45 pm in room 14 of the Government Center @23115 Leonard Hall Drive in Leonardtown.


-Hire more than two people to answer the phone (Ellen & Chris)
-Stop putting people on hold then dumping their call
-Provide cable internet that isn't out five days of the week
-Stop "no showing" for three consecutive repair appointments in a row!
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This Space for Rent
Originally posted by nomoney
I use PIMP cable. haven't had any problem at all. :shrug:

Can I get some service..uh...Thursday night. A little dinner, a little alcohol, and then some cable? Do they charge hourly?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
What I'd like to know is what happened to the Cartoon Network on channel 99. We finally have been upgraded and once that went into effect, that channel has disappeared.

Any ideas?

Lost Soul

New Member
Originally posted by RoseRed
What I'd like to know is what happened to the Cartoon Network on channel 99. We finally have been upgraded and once that went into effect, that channel has disappeared.

Any ideas?

It's been changed to to another channel I think 34 or 54 but not sure about the number


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Cartoon Network changed to channel 31 and some other stuff was added. Reprogram your TV.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Lost Soul
It's been changed to to another channel I think 34 or 54 but not sure about the number
Originally posted by Chain729
Cartoon Network changed to channel 31 and some other stuff was added. Reprogram your TV.



New Member
okay, so i actually went over to their office today. They're still in business. I told the lady at the window that I've been trying to call for 3 days and I've just been getting a busy tone. The one time it got thru (aside from off hours), the phone rang off the hook. All she said was "yeah, we've been busy". Maybe they need to add more lines or have a queue system so I can be on hold for 30 minutes.

I asked if they're going to close up soon and she said no.

Any other cable + high speed internet companies around here?


Originally posted by Chain729
Cartoon Network changed to channel 31 and some other stuff was added. Reprogram your TV.

And unless you have expanded cable you will no longer get cartoon network, I canceled my cable because of that, really only channel my kids watched and I wasn't gonna pay 43 for them to get it again, gmp does suck.