Go, Bill, go!!!


New Member
Ok, I'm not gonna fully believe anything that has ads for the Ronald Reagan collection...Give me something from CNN or the Washington Post and I'll believe ya Larry.


New Member
Ok, VRA, but what's the argument here, that Clinton is racist or something? Tell me more, I don't feel like reading the whole things and I can't really understand things right now...daughter's boyfriend just told me to "lighten up, dude." Yeah, he's alot like I was when I was his age so I'm starting to understand where he's coming from. After all Katie's father hated me too (his exact quote: "I hate that [expletive] pot-smoking Berkley kid.") So, if anyone has some advice tell me...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Okay, THAT'S funny! :roflmao:

But I'm a conservative and was never a pot-smoking Berkley kid so if one of my daughter's beaus said that to me, I'd dress him down, assuming that his parents don't love him enough to teach him nice manners. I guess it depends on how he said it and in what context. Also if this is a new beau or someone you all have known for awhile.

The argument is that Clinton has a history of old South racism in him. He can't help it - it's how he grew up. It doesn't mean he's a racist now, it just means that he's a panderer and how he "feels" is based on who he's talking to. His mentors were all segregationists, he grew up in the cradle of political corruption and, yes, racism. Little Rock - need I give you THAT history, too?

Clinton gave an impromptu press conference the other day and said basically that he thinks the Repubs are hypocrites for dogging Lott because the party is MADE UP of racists and Lott's merely voicing what they all think. Also he came out and SAID that the South as a whole was racist. Didn't even bother to pinpoint Mississippi - he made a blanket statement.

So then we get to pull up Clinton's archives and see that HE was trying to water down black districts to keep them from voting for other blacks. Gerrymandering at it's finest, courtesy of your friend and mine - Willie Jeff Clinton. That guy can't open his mouth without sticking his foot in it. Plus he has a short memory and hopes everyone else will too.


New Member
Well, when you put all the blacks in one district, I see that as diluting their political power. Instead of having an effect on six house races, they have an effect on one. You see, after the Civil Rights Act, which was a tremendous bill, the legislatures of the south has to drastically redraw the lines to create these majority-black districts. This has caused the South to go from a solidly Democratic majority (albeit mostly conservative majority) to a Democratic minority that is more liberal due to the inclusion of black representatives. Clinton, like me, did not want to see the majority of his political party on the Hill to decline, so he tried to put more blacks in all six districts to keep the Democratic advantage in the state.
The new boyfriend, not a pretty sight. Yeah, he loves his skateboard and is like "I'm gonna be like Tony Hawk." I went off with the whole "get a real job" speech and he came out with the comment. I was so pissed that well I just had to walk out. Katie is trying to calm me down but it isn't working. Yeah, I think that I'm gonna ban him from ever seeing my daughter anymore. Just isn't meant to be.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Non partisan post:

Father to father, you're gonna have to trust your daughter, period. It's hard because ever fiber in your body screams "PROTECT!!!".

This doesn't mean you can't rip the nose ring out. I mean, accidents happen, right? You can tease 'em, you can also say your peace:

"Boy, if you mess up, I will kill you, REAL slow. Then, put your parts through a blender and send the Idiot Shake back to your parents".

Just because they didn't care enough to raise him right doesn't mean they are free to dump him on your kid (you, same thing) and not expect you to help him along a little.

It's like Bush and Iraq. I just want them, the boys, to know that if they are hiding something and or show any inclination towards stupidity (which they will) I reserve to right to wipe them off the face of the earth.

Our oldest girl knows I over react to the beaus (latest transgression, 3 minutes late...blew gasket...last night 1/2 hour early...act like you expect her to be that smart because you do) but she also knows I love her, trust and only want to make a show for simply intimidations sake. I haven't really killed any of them. Yet.

You: Parent
Them: Tony Hawk wannabe.

Who's in charge?


Dancing Up A Storm
Encounters of the Youth Kind

Originally posted by demsformd
...daughter's boyfriend just told me to "lighten up, dude." Yeah, he's a lot like I was when I was his age so I'm starting to understand where he's coming from. After all Katie's father hated me too (his exact quote: "I hate that [expletive] pot-smoking Berkley kid.") So, if anyone has some advice tell me...
Questions: Was this the first encounter with the young man or have there been others? Do you see any pattern emerging, anything that causes alarms to go off in your head?
There's been some good advice offered so far by others, maybe you ought to kick back and observe for a while.
If he's not causing any undue harm to your daughter,(I know, what's your idea of harm?) give it a little time
and see where it leads to. Heck, you might find yourself liking the kid if he reminds you a lot of your youthful self. Try looking for similarities you and he might have shared.

:cool: penn


endangered species
Ah, h*ll, dems

Just dig the old bong out of that box in the basement and kick back with the kid and get toasted. I hear SkateboardX on the Xbox is a trip while your twisted.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
:lmao: @ Maynard

I have this song running through my head:

"Her Daddy said he ain't worth a lick
When it comes to brains he got the short end of the stick..."

How old of kids are we talking here? Your daughter will have her share of dumbo guys - we all do. The important thing is to teach her the difference between the guys you date for fun then ditch, and the guys you might want to marry some day. If she gets that, she'll be fine and you won't have to worry about sharing a Thanksgiving table with some freak. If it's any consolation to you, I think I read somewhere that Tony Hawk has a great marriage, a nice couple of kids and obviously a lucrative career. :cheesy:


Dancing Up A Storm
Oh Pachyderms!

Originally posted by vraiblonde
:lmao: @ Maynard

How old of kids are we talking here? Your daughter will have her share of dumbo guys - we all do. :cheesy:

:biggrin: Uh, I was kind of wondering, what are the sort of girls who'd attract "dumbos"? I have to assume you're speaking out of personal experience?

:eek: penn


New Member
It's my baby 16-year old daughter. Oh, it hurts so much. Hehe..thanx for the great advice guys I'm thinking that I should do what you guys have been saying. Observe a little while, it was only a first encounter between Tony Hawk lite and myself. Oh, I just hope that she gets a better guy. I'm thinking that I might introduce her to smcdem one day or something. LOL. A great liberal Ryken kid, damn sounds great.
The bong idea sounded pretty good...too bad I gave that up... Just joking...I grew up and "sold out" but I prefer the tie to the bong. LOL


Dancing Up A Storm
The Pot Stirs

Originally posted by demsformd
Like my friend George Bush..."I haven't used illegal drugs in over thirty years."

:biggrin: You're not alluding to any kind of "smoking gun", are you?
