Go Bill


New Member
I say this is the answer. Private companies, who benefit from the market/economy, should be the ones who step forward and take the bull by the horns. I'm glad to see this, maybe the government will begin to step back on similar issues in other industries. Like the airline industry. We as consumers should demand safety from the airlines, not the government.

WASHINGTON (AP) - A quarter of a million dollar bounty is waiting for anyone who helps law enforcers nab the designer of another new computer virus.

The award, put up Thursday by Microsoft Corp. (MSFT), is the third so far as part of a $5 million program the software giant announced in early November to help identify the authors of unusually damaging Internet infections that target the company's products.

"This worm is a criminal attack," said Brad Smith, Microsoft's senior vice president and general counsel. "Microsoft wants to help the authorities catch this criminal."

The "MyDoom.B" virus, spread by e-mail, causes victims to launch an electronic attack starting Tuesday against Microsoft's own Web site, and prevents victims from visiting the Web sites of leading antivirus companies. The virus poses as an authentic-looking error message.

Among the only clues to the identity of the possible author was a mysterious message inside the virus, "Andy; I'm just doing my job, nothing personal, sorry."

Microsoft urged anyone with information about the author of the "MyDoom.B" virus to contact the FBI, Secret Service or Interpol.

Government officials and others have described the $250,000 rewards as the highest in recent memory funded entirely by the private sector.

Microsoft said residents of any country are eligible for the $250,000. The company has said previously it will not pay rewards to anyone involved in creating the viruses.

Previous rewards of $250,000 each were offered for information about those responsible for the Blaster and Sobig viruses, which spread rapidly last summer among hundreds of thousands of computers running Windows.