Go Caps


I know nothing
did you all see the game last night. Kolzig had some spring in his step...

Maybe because his #1 spot is on the line:whistle:


Well-Known Member
did you all see the game last night. Kolzig had some spring in his step...

Maybe because his #1 spot is on the line:whistle:

thats what I heard. No, I didn't have access to that channel..whatever one it was one, I forget.

I was sort of like :ohwell: with the Federov aquisition. I mean, its good because he is a great player...and will PROBABLY be a good mentor to some of the youngins like Ovechkin...but, he was also a Red wing...on the team that beat us at our only shot for the Cup :lol:

Oh well, I'll get over it if he does something good for us lol.

Anyone else going to the march 14th game by chance? That just happens to be the game I got tickets for for me and dad to go...and then we always go to the last game of the season too :yay:


Well-Known Member
did you all see the game last night. Kolzig had some spring in his step...

Maybe because his #1 spot is on the line:whistle:

Ive liked Kolzig and he has done alot for the Caps, but he is getting up there in age, and doesnt appear to be as sharp as he once was, we have been beaten in a few shootouts this year on shots I thought he could have stopped.
Alot of it is not complelely his fault of late, defense hasnt been clearing the puck like they should.
But getting the new goalie was a great move on there part and only for a draft pick. Now they will have to sign him, since he will be a free agent when the season ends. Then what becomes of the goalie situation, Ollie is also a free agent at the end of the year, do you let him go and keep Johnson or keep Ollie as the backup and wait for that young guy in the minors to mature.
I hope they dont give Ollie the shaft, like they have done some previous former players who's careers were winding down, (Bondra) and who were big parts of Cap history.

Maybe not this year but in the coming years they have a really good young team and I see them only getting better each year.:yay:

Old Timer

New Member
I understand that the new goalie was coached by Boudreux in Manchester of the AHL, but I haven't checked it out yet.


Well-Known Member
I hope they dont give Ollie the shaft, like they have done some previous former players who's careers were winding down, (Bondra) and who were big parts of Cap history.

I hear that. I was pretty bummed when they got rid of Bondra. He was GREAT and deserved to finish up his career here. The way they went about getting rid of him was just wrong. :boo: