Go Dallas Cowboys!!!!!


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
That is all.

I hope I put the correct number of exclamation points.


A Salute to all on Watch
Is this why the cowboys suck ?

All time Cowyboys VS Redskins record:

Grand total Cowboy wins 63
Grand total Redskin wins 42


I would say this is why


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I guess we will know by Monday.

That is the fun of the NFL; all 32 teams could make the playoffs and, while if the worst make it and it will be a surprise, it still reasonably possible and week one all the world is fresh and new.

Dallas knows their D was a huge problem last year. They have absolutely been working on it. Their offense is absolutely top shelf. And San Fran's D is decimated and that is of late, not something they could plan for and I think their O really isn't all that good. That O line makes up for a lot of questions elsewhere.

I think Dallas wins this one going away.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What does that even mean? I've heard it before but it's 1 of those clichés that I don't get. Where are they going? When will they be coming back?

Well, you ask an interesting question. To me, it has always meant that, when the winner wins 'going away' the loser is fading into the rear view mirror of the winner, further and further behind with NO chance to catch up. In dirt bikes, we call it 'checking out' as in "Ken Roczen took the hole shot, poured it on and checked out'. He won...going away.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I don't think you can use that term in boxing. It's never over until the final bell rings.

Mercer lost 7 or 8 rounds before landing a lucky shot to the tip of this guy's nose.