Go Redskins!!!!!!


They call me ... Sarcasmo
The run was abandoned too early IMHO but if you are going against the worst pass defense in the league, you should throw it a bit. The game plan locked on to Garcon as the primary all night and the G-Men knew it. Andre Roberts is pretty much a bum and you have un used weapons in Ross and Crowder who are both as fast if not faster than DJax. Special teams is the Achilles of this team right now (paging Danny Smith) and I will not even go into the multiple brain cramps with the penalties.

Do they suck? I guess it depends on your POV. Is there room for improvement? Without a doubt. Is Cousins an NFL starting QB? Yes. But right now it is only because he IS the starter. Last night the majority of his passes were just a bit behind the receivers. The pass in the 4th to Ryan Grant for the 1st down was an amazing catch of a bad throw. If he does not stab that thing out of the air, it goes for a pick 6. Our secondary is still young for the most part and I still think they play too much cushion on obvious passing downs. On the upside, there is a definite improvement on the defensive side of the ball in regards to tackling, O line play has improved and I hope that we can have some kind of continuity on the staff for at least another 2-3 years. We seem to have a real 'personnel' type GM instead of a money guy picking players. Remember, it was a 'money guy" that brought you Adam Archuletta, Albert Haynesworth, Deion Sanders and RG me. (Whom I would switch to a DB or WR)


Active Member
It's now time for the redskin fans and sports media to start carving up Kirk Cousins and Jay Gruden. I love being a razor blade salesman in Washington. Football season is GREAT for business!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The run was abandoned too early IMHO but if you are going against the worst pass defense in the league, you should throw it a bit. The game plan locked on to Garcon as the primary all night and the G-Men knew it. Andre Roberts is pretty much a bum and you have un used weapons in Ross and Crowder who are both as fast if not faster than DJax. Special teams is the Achilles of this team right now (paging Danny Smith) and I will not even go into the multiple brain cramps with the penalties.

Do they suck? I guess it depends on your POV. )

Well, THE point of view is that successful teams have if not great then, at the VERY least, competent special teams and are consistently good on both lines, D and O. That requires, it would seem, consistency year after year and THAT is what was, is and is likely to continue to be the issue with the Skins; consistently good at the basics of the game.

Did we make a real change with the new player personnel guy? Maybe. Is he gonna be here for 3-5 years and be able to keep building through the draft? Seems HIGHLY unlikely but that is what it will take. :shrug:

It's not impossible to get reasonably good fairly quick in the NFL for a season or maybe even two but it is very difficult to get good and STAY good absent consistently focusing on the boring and mundane tasks of building and maintaining lines and having good special teams. Everything on this team stays in a state of flux. Even though it may have been the thing to do, finally move on from the ENORMOUS mistake of RGIII, we still haven't. He's still on the team. They HAD to stick with him this one last try OR face the possibility, probability, of what we have now; doubts at QB. So, now, does Cousins go on and play not just OK but WELL for the rest of the season? Or, does the house of cards collapse again and we go to Colt? Or, worse, back to Robert AND he plays well enough to start the whole fiasco ALL over again? Or Gruden gets ditched and THAT starts all over again? Or McCluen says "I was happier drunk and NOT here..." What then? This is Snyder's team and he is a marketing guy, the one thing no NFL team has ANY need of. That's the way it's been and may well still be. :shrug:


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Make no mistake, the Giants game was winnable for the skins. Picks & a fumble did them in.