God's Reward for not killing you kids.



This quote came on a wall plaque our daughter gave to us last year which pretty much sums up Parents and Teenagers..

"Grandchildren are God's Reward for not killing your children."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ceo_pte
One of us are confused?
It's you. Zuchick already said he's a yellow dog Democrat, which means he votes for the D, regardless of what their position is or what they stand for.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
It's you. Zuchick already said he's a yellow dog Democrat, which means he votes for the D, regardless of what their position is or what they stand for.

I'll take confused as long as I still have some integrity!


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by ceo_pte
I'll take confused as long as I still have some integrity!

I know that this is :offtopic: , but pete, your stuff is much funnier when I use Jimm Carrey's Grinch voice in my head when I read it! It's so grumpy it's funny! :roflmao:

That being said, I think I agree with you. I would rather think about what my party and its candidates stand for and feel free to disagree or vote another way when necessary.


Personally speaking I think the three of you are rather confused.. This is not Politics, it is Parenting and Children. I guess that is what supporting the GOP does to a person.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by zuchick
I guess that is what supporting the GOP does to a person.
Sorry. It's just amusing that you blindly support the party that DOES kill their children (via abortion), yet you then celebrate the reasons for not doing so.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Sorry. It's just amusing that you blindly support the party that DOES kill their children (via abortion), yet you then celebrate the reasons for not doing so.


Maybe in the future you would better serve yourself if you were to be more concerned with what I do say then what I don't.

PS: I don't do argument or debate so you are wasting your time trying to put me into a defensive position where I would feel the need to defend myself.


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by zuchick

Maybe in the future you would better serve yourself if you were to be more concerned with what I do say then what I don't.

Oh, but I believe that Vrai's position relates very well to positions you have taken in the past that this little saying of yours seems so incongruous with. Please don't feel defensive, all of us have some inconsistencies, that's what makes us interesting.:biggrin:


Originally posted by tlatchaw
Oh, but I believe that Vrai's position relates very well to positions you have taken in the past that this little saying of yours seems so incongruous with. Please don't feel defensive, all of us have some inconsistencies, that's what makes us interesting.:biggrin:

So you think that because a person is a Democrate they can nto be against Abortion?

And I guess you support everything the GOP promotes?

Listen, I have never supported abortion and never will.. It is the murder of the Innocent and though it is supported by the Laws of the Land, those who have had abortions will suffer unless they repent in the Next Lifetime.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by zuchick
And I guess you support everything the GOP promotes?
Most of it, yeah. If they started promoting killing people, I'd have to rethink my party affiliation.

It would make my day if you came back with, "They promoted killing people in Iraq!" :lol:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Most of it, yeah. If they started promoting killing people, I'd have to rethink my party affiliation.

It would make my day if you came back with, "They promoted killing people in Iraq!" :lol:

I did not support the GOPs choice to go to War with Iraq based on the justifications it gave, WMDs. I do however support the troops. I believe there were other options then to go to War.

The Crimes Against Humanity Justification is what I support. However I have no desire for the American Troops to become the Police Force of the World.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Most of it, yeah. If they started promoting killing people, I'd have to rethink my party affiliation.

It would make my day if you came back with, "They promoted killing people in Iraq!" :lol:

Don't you think that the GOP is silently supporting Abortion by not seeking a Constitutional Amendment considering they GOP has both the Senate and the HR?

Yes they did do something about Partical Birth Abortion, but the stopped far short of completely doing away with Abortion..

Many fail to consider the Father's Rights to having children.. But like in California, the state will protect the unborn by making it illegal for someone to harm an unborn child, but nothing is ever said about the murdering of the unborn via abortion.

If the Republican Party is so Gunhoe to do away with Abortion, why don't they?


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by zuchick
If the Republican Party is so Gunhoe to do away with Abortion, why don't they?

The GOP is using the time tested method of incrementalism (sp?) to turn the country back onto the right course. If they just outlawed abortion outright, the backlash against them from the left and from some easily swayed moderates would destroy any other efforts they had going on and likely just get abortion reinstated, this time with a constitutional amendment.

Another thing: Although the GOP controls the Congress and the Presidency, they can't seem to get even some of the more simple things accomplished on their agenda, such as filling vacancies on the federal bench.:shrug:

Do I support EVERYTHING the GOP stands for? Yeah, pretty much, but I do prefer to take my issues one at a time. My point earlier about perceived inconsistancies is that we all DO have to think our way through each issue. It just shows that you are not some pre-programmed leftie such as some others that like to rattle the cages around this little zoo we call SOMD.com:biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by zuchick
If the Republican Party is so Gunhoe to do away with Abortion, why don't they?
Because they're a bunch of chickens who don't have the courage of their convictions. Plus, we're a Representative Republic and our Congressfolks don't seem to think their constituents are that big on outlawing abortion. Plus, we're a nation of lawyers.

Bush signed the ban on partial birth abortion that got sent to him with overwhelming bi-partisan Congressional support and some judge in Nebraska (of all places :duh:) promptly challenged it as unConstitutional. One would think abortion would be unConstitutional, but apparently not. Planned Parenthood and the ACLU then filed lawsuits and now it's a big mess.