Originally posted by zuchick
If the Republican Party is so Gunhoe to do away with Abortion, why don't they?
The GOP is using the time tested method of incrementalism (sp?) to turn the country back onto the right course. If they just outlawed abortion outright, the backlash against them from the left and from some easily swayed moderates would destroy any other efforts they had going on and likely just get abortion reinstated, this time with a constitutional amendment.
Another thing: Although the GOP controls the Congress and the Presidency, they can't seem to get even some of the more simple things accomplished on their agenda, such as filling vacancies on the federal bench.:shrug:
Do I support EVERYTHING the GOP stands for? Yeah, pretty much, but I do prefer to take my issues one at a time. My point earlier about perceived inconsistancies is that we all DO have to think our way through each issue. It just shows that you are not some pre-programmed leftie such as some others that like to rattle the cages around this little zoo we call SOMD.com