Golfers are EXCELLENT people...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...anyone who golfs already knows that, by and large, golfers are just good people.


I lost my favorite wedge on Fathers Day on a course up here. It happens.

So, normally, somebody behind you finds it and you run back when you realize it's gone (the next time your next shot calls for that club!) and, viola! It's very upsetting at first.

Worst case, it gets turned in to the pro shop later and you pick it up another day.

Alas, my Cleveland 52 degree 0 bounce, sniff, wasn't coming back to daddy.

It's OK. We've got one kid already flew the nest, another leaving this fall. I've dealt with this kind of trauma before. I will survive.



Low and behold, the phone just rang and it's Joe from Virginia!!!
(Que sunrise, goofy happy feeling about mankind, hugs and kisses for the two Johns running on the evil empire ticket for President...OK, belay my last.)

ANYWAY, Joe's got my baby and is gonna meet me half way on Saturday!!!! It's like Christmas!!! Seems my wedge mades it's way (he is a survivor) into the loaner bags at the course and somehow, a miracle really, baby ended up borrowed by one of Joe's group and into HIS bag. It's like a scene out of the movie where the dogs and cat find their way, through all trials and tribulations, home again. Sigh....

Thank you, Joe! You're a credit to us all!!!!!!!!

(This is a $90 club that ANYONE, save a lefty, would LOVE to have.) And all he had to do to just keep it was...just keep it.

So, what should I do for Joe? $20? Hug and kiss? Propose? Have his child? National Joe day?

Nope. I'd have done the same for him. It's just what golfers do.

Yeah golfers!


Nothing to see here did Joe from Virginia know it was yours?? Sign at the club? Your name etched on the shaft?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
1/2 my stuff has...

...a little label with name and cell ph#.

There's a guy up here who I get my accessories, wedges and putters from, along with any tinkering or new grips etc. I lost my Snake Eye's 8 iron, he replaced it, same grip, shaft, loft and lie and...put a sticker on it.



I've never met a golfer I didn't like.

My dad is a golfer - and lots of my friends are golfers. I've been around golf and golfers for as long as I can remember, and I can attest to the fact that they are great people. I cannot remember a single one that I didn't like as a person.

However, I'd rather watch a pair of flies ####ing than watch or play golf.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's it!

...I'll get Joe a pair of trained ####ing flies! That way, while he is either waiting to play or watch golf or return clubs he'll have some entertainment!

Thanks Tox.



professional daydreamer
Re: 1/2 my stuff has...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...a little label with name and cell ph#.

There's a guy up here who I get my accessories, wedges and putters from, along with any tinkering or new grips etc. I lost my Snake Eye's 8 iron, he replaced it, same grip, shaft, loft and lie and...put a sticker on it.


I have a set of Snake Eye's. I should dust them off and use them.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
You have a business for plants don't you? Why not holler back and see if Joe would like a nice shrub or tree. If not at least buy him lunch when you hook up.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's not to bad an idea...

Hey Larry, what about a gift certificate for a round of golf?

You must be un-stoned today.

Actually, on Fathers Day, we had a little tournament thing and I won closest to the pin and longest drive.



I am...simply, the man.

So, I won a $50 certificate and a dozen Pro V 1's.

Which should I give Joe???

Larry Gude

Strung Out
A nice tree or shrub...


I don't do that stuff but, I could give him some nice gerbera daisies.

No way. He's a golfer.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: A nice tree or shrub...

Originally posted by Larry Gude

I don't do that stuff but, I could give him some nice gerbera daisies.

No way. He's a golfer.
Well then give him two of the golf balls packaged nicely in a SOMD thong.
Larry Gude said:
...anyone who golfs already knows that, by and large, golfers are just good people.


I lost my favorite wedge on Fathers Day on a course up here. It happens.

So, normally, somebody behind you finds it and you run back when you realize it's gone (the next time your next shot calls for that club!) and, viola! It's very upsetting at first.

Worst case, it gets turned in to the pro shop later and you pick it up another day.

Alas, my Cleveland 52 degree 0 bounce, sniff, wasn't coming back to daddy.

It's OK. We've got one kid already flew the nest, another leaving this fall. I've dealt with this kind of trauma before. I will survive.



Low and behold, the phone just rang and it's Joe from Virginia!!!
(Que sunrise, goofy happy feeling about mankind, hugs and kisses for the two Johns running on the evil empire ticket for President...OK, belay my last.)

ANYWAY, Joe's got my baby and is gonna meet me half way on Saturday!!!! It's like Christmas!!! Seems my wedge mades it's way (he is a survivor) into the loaner bags at the course and somehow, a miracle really, baby ended up borrowed by one of Joe's group and into HIS bag. It's like a scene out of the movie where the dogs and cat find their way, through all trials and tribulations, home again. Sigh....

Thank you, Joe! You're a credit to us all!!!!!!!!

(This is a $90 club that ANYONE, save a lefty, would LOVE to have.) And all he had to do to just keep it was...just keep it.

So, what should I do for Joe? $20? Hug and kiss? Propose? Have his child? National Joe day?

Nope. I'd have done the same for him. It's just what golfers do.

Yeah golfers!

Okay. :eyebrow:


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
...anyone who golfs already knows that, by and large, golfers are just good people.
Golfers are EXCELLENT people...
Yeah golfers!
They are lousy mathematicians.


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